The first time I heard about eating kale as the main ingredient in a salad, I thought I'd hate it. The only time I eat kale raw is hidden in the form of a smoothie, I insisted. Kale is much too bitter to be eaten raw in a salad, right? Wrong! Prepared correctly, the bitterness of kale vanishes ...
Vegetarian Recipes
Low-Sugar Strawberry Jam
First, I want to thank you everyone for the kind words and well wishes in response to the big news in my last post. I loved reading every comment! Now, on to the jam. This post isn't just about strawberry jam. Yes, you'll get a recipe for strawberry jam, and homemade jam is always special. ...
Toddler Trail Mix
It seems the standard practice in feeding our toddlers and kids snacks these days is to reach for processed foods. I never realize just how prevalent it is until I go to a park or to a play date and see other moms, armed with snacks for their little ones. What I see most often is goldfish ...
Simple Quinoa Salad with Kohlrabi, Apple, and Fresh Dill
When I first opened my CSA box and saw that it had kohlrabi, I didn't even know what I was looking at. Now, I am excited to have a new vegetable in my repertoire. You all gave me great suggestions as to what I should do with the unusual vegetable; I was amazed so many of you not only knew what ...
My Favorite Sandwich (AKA The Best Veggie Sandwich Ever.)
At first glance it looks basic. But this perfectly combined sandwich is the BEST Veggie Sandwich in the world! There is nothing mind blowing about this recipe. It's a veggie sandwich. But it's my favorite sandwich, I've eaten it for the last five days straight, and I want to share it with ...
Strawberry-Tomato Salsa
I needed a quick snack the other day, so I pulled a container of salsa out of the fridge. There was instant disappointment when I noticed it was almost gone. Not enough for a good snack. There was also a container of diced strawberries, leftover from a picnic lunch we'd had the day before. ...
Goodness Bars
Since Meghan isn't eating as well lately, I've been dreaming up ways to get a bigger variety of foods into her. I don't want to become a "sneaky chef" type mom just yet, but I do think it's acceptable to get creative to get her eating more foods. If I offer her oatmeal, she'll sometimes eat it. ...
Everyday Whole Wheat Pancake Mix
I love to make homemade pancakes, but prefer the convenience of a mix. I've had a hard time finding a healthier mix that I really love, though. Most of the whole grain mixes I've tried create a pancake that is too dense and hearty. While I like a dense, hearty pancake once in a while, Tim laments ...
Creamy Vegan Avocado Ranch Dip
The majority of kids I know are ranch monsters. Give them a cup full of ranch dressing, and they'll dip just about anything in it, including those elusive vegetables you've been trying to get them to eat. If you have one of these kids, try this healthified homemade ranch dip. Packed with the ...
Strawberry Creme Fraiche Toast {Guest Post}
Today's post is from Rashmi from YumKid. Her blog is filled with tasty, kid-friendly recipes and so much more. She has two (adorable!) children and shares her wisdom on feeding them well. I'm honored to have her guest post for me today! I am always in awe of how things taste differently ...
Better Than Ice Cream Fruit Cream
Ben Cohen, of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, needed emergency bypass surgery in 2001. Burt Baskin, of Bakin-Robbins ice cream, died of a heart attack. Just sayin'. With ice cream season right around the corner, it's important to have some healthier alternatives in your arsenal. Sure, ice cream ...
Hot Lunch in a Hurry: Spinach-Artichoke Panini
"I don't like the loud thunder, Mommy, I don't like it" is what I heard first thing this morning when Meghan awoke to the loud crash outside her window. The morning was spent cuddling during the storm, staying in our pajamas and reading books together. As much as I hate rain, I treasure these kind ...