In my last post when I gave you a peak into my fridge, there was one thing I didn't mention. Did any of you notice the random bakery box in the before picture of my the refrigerator? Here--look again: And what was inside the box? This is what makes its way into the house if I don't keep a ...
Vegetarian Recipes
Chipotle Quinoa with Corn and Black Beans {and how to adapt for your toddler}
I have a few confessions to make. I don't normally plan our dinners around Meghan's likes. I think more about what Tim and I will like than her. I also rarely prepare her something different than what we are having. There are a couple reasons I do our dinners this way. First, as a toddler, ...
Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies
If you are obsessed with the chocolate + coconut combination like I am, you will love these cookies. A chocolate cookie base with chocolate chips and coconut added in? You really can't go wrong. It's just a bonus that these cookies happen to be healthy, too. These whole grain cookies are made ...
Creamy Carrot Brown Rice Risotto
The last time I made risotto I was pregnant with Meghan. I was still in the sick-all-day phase, but apparently feeling ambitious. I stood over the stove, nauseous, while I stirred, stirred, stirred that rice. Soon I pulled up a chair, doubled over with my arm extended so I could continue to stir. ...
Cilantro Pesto
So many times when I buy a bunch of cilantro, I only need a few tablespoons. Then I have this huge bunch leftover, which doesn't sit well with this mama. I hate to waste food, so whenever I buy cilantro I find myself scrambling to find ways to use it up. That's how this recipe was born. I had ...
Broccoli and Cream Cheese Sammy
After my experiment with adding a vegetable with cheese to create a sandwich mixture turned into a successful green grilled cheese (check out the comment section over there--a lot of readers have tried the green grilled cheese with their kiddos and they loved it), I realized that I could use this ...
Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread Recipe (Healthy snack idea!)
This Peanut Butter-Chocolate Spread takes minutes to mix together and yields a sweet treat that is healthy and delicious! Is there a better flavor combination out there than peanut butter + chocolate? Really--is there? Peanut butter and chocolate just go together, but you don't really think of ...
Focaccia with Fig Spread, Goat Cheese, and Arugula
I hoped to be bringing you a recipe for herbed focaccia bread tonight. Whole grain bread baking has been on my list of things I want to get good at--I even took a bread baking class last fall that was supposed to focus on whole grain breads. In reality, the class featured recipes that split white ...
Sweet Potato Enchiladas with Chipotle and Spinach Sauce
A lot of food blogs have something called "Meal Plan Monday" where they post their meal plans for the week. There's a reason I don't do this. Putting my meal plan out there is too much of a commitment. I'm sorry if I sound like the flaky guy you dated in your early twenties, but I would feel like ...
Broccoli Cheddar Millet Cups
What is a sure-fire way to get your kids to eat broccoli? Okay, let me be honest here. There are no sure fire ways to get your kids to eat broccoli, so allow me to rephrase that. What are some ways to up your chances of getting your kids to eat broccoli? 1.) Add cheese. 2.) Bake it into a ...
Vegan Chickpea Tomato Wrap
This Vegan Chickpea Tomato Wrap makes a super quick and easy lunch that is full of flavor!Often times, I eat whatever Meghan is having for lunch. If she's having a mashed banana and tahini sandwich, I go ahead and have one, too. Some days, however, I just want something that I know Meghan most ...
Polenta Pizza
Last week as I was putting together my family's meal plan, an intriguing idea popped into my head: polenta pizza. We all love pizza, I thought, why not mix it up with a change from the same old whole wheat dough I usually make? I thought I was brilliant for a minute, until I googled it and found ...