I've told you that my pregnancy cravings have been for salty, spicy, savory foods. That doesn't mean I never crave anything sweet, but nothing beyond my normal need for sweet treats. When I was pregnant with Meghan, it was a totally different story. I wanted something sweet all the time. I ...
Vegetarian Recipes
Blackberry and Banana Stuffed French Toast
I've been in a serious breakfast rut lately with no signs of getting out. Day after day I have my same old oatmeal. It's good, but who wants to eat the same thing for breakfast every single day? Then something happened. I ran out of oats. Necessity breads innovation, so I was forced to create ...
A Healthier Birthday Cake
Guess whose birthday is just under a month away? Hard to believe, but this little girl is turning 3. Last year, after two major healthy-cake failures, at the last minute I caved in and made a boxed cake for her birthday. I was out of time and desperate. When I looked at the ingredients on ...
Peas and Thank You: A Cookbook Review and Giveaway
When I learned one of my favorite blog authors, Sarah, aka Mama Pea, was coming out with a cookbook, I anxiously awaited its release. Every single recipe I've tried on Mama Pea's blog has been fantastic, so I knew her cookbook had to be added my to collection. When it hit stores on July 26th, I ...
Carrot Cake Smoothie
Things That Make Me Happy: 1. Checking tasks off of my to-do list. 2. A clean house. 3. When I have to wake Meghan up from her nap and she's still so sleepy she lets me rock her. 4. New clothes. 5. Finding fun home decorating ideas on Pinterest. (Can you say obsessed?) 6. ...
Veggie Pancakes
I know what you're thinking. I'm becoming a sneaky chef. First, I sneak vegetables into muffins, and now they're hiding in my pancakes. My intention is not to hide the vegetables from my daughter or my husband. But sometimes, you gotta do whatcha gotta do, know what I mean? It's not that ...
Raw Vegan Corn Chowder
Whew! I'm back from my vacation and busier than ever. Why is it so much work getting back into the swing of things after returning from a trip? I can't complain, though, Michigan was beautiful and the time spent with family and friends was priceless. I was born and raised a Michigan girl, but ...
Vegan Chili Lime Lentil Tacos
When I track all the food that I consumed for a day (check out the post What this pregnant mama eats), I realized two nutrients I need to make sure I'm getting enough of each day: protein and iron. This is important for anyone eating a plant-based diet, but especially important for a pregnant ...
Grilled Veggie Pizza
This summer, one to two nights a week, Tim isn't home for dinner. He is playing in a baseball league and has games in the early evenings. In the beginning, when he was gone it was easy dinner nights; I thought it wasn't worth it to spend too much time cooking if he wasn't going to be home for ...
Arugula salad with grilled pear & balsamic vinaigrette
I've been on a huge arugula kick lately. I don't know what it is, but something about those peppery leaves makes me happy. Arugula is one of those greens that you either love or hate. If you're a hater, that's okay. You can either stop reading now, or be clever and substitute another green, ...
Watermelon-Avocado “Ice Cream”
Summer is my favorite season. By a long shot. I love the warm sun, flip flops, the pool, and the smell of grilling going out throughout the neighborhood every evening. I also love cold treats that offset the hot days. I had a hard time naming this treat. Is it sorbet? Kind of looks and tastes ...
Vegetarian Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
I don't think I posted one dinner recipe during my first trimester. That's because I didn't create any new recipes. Most of our dinners were 20 minute projects that I threw together while trying to fight off nausea. We had a lot of egg sandwiches for dinner. Now that I'm feeling better (for ...