We have been blessed with a child who hasn't shown any food allergies or intolerances in her two years of life. (Will you please knock on wood for me?) So no, I don't need to create gluten-free snacks for Meghan because she is allergic. It is important, however, to eat a variety of whole grains ...
Kid Friendly Recipes
Toddler Tuesday: Homemade Larabars
Meghan has completely fallen in love with Larabars. 95% of the time when I tell her it is time for snack, she replies with, "Larabar, please, Mommy." She's got the manners down, and I'm actually pleased with her snack choice. They are great whole food snack bars made with basically just nuts and ...
A Birthday Picnic for my Baby Girl
Two years ago today, I was sure my heart must have grown to twice its size, because how else could it fit so much love? If you are a mother, you know what I am talking about. I cannot describe the emotion I felt when I first held Meghan. In an instant, everything changed. Nothing in my life would ...
I’m in Pumpkin Heaven
I have an obsession with all things pumpkin goin' on. I'm the kind of gal who would happily forgo the turkey on Thanksgiving, but starts dreaming of the pumpkin pie in early October. It isn't even officially fall yet, and I've already had 3 pumpkin-spiced lattes from Starbucks. In order to go a ...
Toddler Tuesday: A Hit and a Miss
I'm glad you found me in my new space! What do you think? Moving my blog from blogger to wordpress was more difficult than I imagined, but only because I'm not all that technically savvy. Once I figured it out, I realized the process was quite simple. If only it hadn't taken me hours to figure ...
Toddler Tuesday: I’m in Love
As far as almost-2-year-olds go, I guess Meghan is exhibiting normal toddler behavior when it comes to eating. But that doesn't make it any easier. Last night for dinner, she had a variety of foods to choose from, many that at one time or another have been her ...
Toddler Tuesday: Thank Goodness for Smoothies
If there is one thing I've learned about toddlers, it's that you always have to be on your toes. Once you get comfortable and think you have things figured out, everything changes. Meghan goes through stages where she eats a lot and then stages where she hardly eats at all. Despite how much she ...
Vegetable Croquettes and Quinoa-Watermelon Salad with Citrus-Basil Vinaigrette
How's that for a mouthful of a title? Last night's dinner was just a vague idea in my mind that I kind of made up as I was going along. I started with a basic kid-friendly dish that I wanted to use--a slight variation of a vegetable croquette recipe from Super Foods for Babies and Children and ...
Toddler Tuesday: A Healthy Dessert without Sugar
Hello friends---toddler Tuesday is back! We had a fabulous weekend with my brother, sister-in-law and niece in Chicago. Now after a hectic month of traveling we have a few weeks off. This has been one busy summer, but I love it. On my mind ...
Carefree lunches
As I mentioned yesterday, we just got back from a two-week vacation. We are barely going to get unpacked before we will be back on the road again as we are heading to Chicago for the weekend. With such a short time between trips, I'm keeping lunches simple this week. Meghan started out with a ...
Hiatus Over
I took a break from my food blog for various reasons over the past months. I wasn't sure when I'd get back to it, and then something weird happened to me in the last few weeks. I've found myself thinking as if I'm blogging. It's really strange- as I'm eating or preparing a meal, I find myself ...
Toddler Tuesday: Healthy Add-Ons
Is it Tuesday again already? Yikes. We went out of town Thursday for the Easter weekend, so this blog hasn't been in the forefront of my mind. Then I remembered...Toddler Tuesday! I have to blog on Tuesday if no other day, right? ;-) Since we have been traveling, I ...