This is the first week that I feel like fall has really arrived. Where I am the leaves are nearing their peak color, the air is cold, and my summer clothes have been put away. I had fun sorting through all my fall recipes for this post. There are so many I won't be able to enjoy this year ...
Homemade sunflower seed butter: a cost comparison and recipe
It was a sad, sad day when I realized Luke had an intolerance to peanuts and tree nuts. Peanut butter and almond butter were staples in my diet and giving them up meant a little less joy in my daily eating. Sunflower seed butter (also known as simply "sun butter") has replaced my ...
End-of-summer vegetable soup
When I woke up Saturday morning to dark clouds and pouring rain, I knew exactly what I was going to make later that day. It was time for soup. I had a myriad of CSA vegetables that I needed to use up, and there is no better way to use up vegetables than throw them in a soup. As the final days ...
Butternut squash smoothie
This smoothie is the answer for all of you who are craving fall even though it's still 80 degrees outside. A nice cool smoothie packed with the warming spices of autumn. Fall flavor in a summery glass. Perfect for the end of summer. I first made this smoothie a few weeks ago when I'd ...
How to make homemade almond milk {video}
We've been using almond milk for years now. It's always been in the back of my mind to make it myself because the kind you buy at the store is not only expensive, but has a lot of added ingredients I'd rather not have. I just never tried it. It seemed like it would be difficult, tedious, or ...
Avocado Pineapple Salsa
This Avocado Pineapple Salsa is the perfect combination of heat + sweet and it goes well on everything from chicken to fish to veggie burgers! I've always loved writing. When I was in second grade I "published" a book as part of the Young Author's program. In the back of the book, on ...
Lemony pesto potatoes {dairy-free, nut-free, gluten-free}
I only have a little bit of time to post today because I'm getting ready to leave for vaaaacation. Preparing for a trip is a thousand times harder when you have a child. For each child you have, add another million times harder. I got behind schedule yesterday when I got home from running ...
Homemade baby food recipe: creamy oatmeal with pears
For the most part, no recipes are really needed for homemade baby food. The procedure is pretty simple. Cut food. Steam food. Blend. Feed baby. But here I am posting a recipe for homemade baby food. Even though it's a simple process, when I first jumped into making Meghan's food, I was ...
Coconut-lime roasted chickpeas
Chickpeas are a staple around here. Whether we fry them with a little oil on the stovetop or roast them in the oven, we love turning them into crispy little snacks or a tasty side dish. This is my latest flavoring that we all loved. Coconut oil is perfect for roasting because it withstands high ...
Operation Eat More Vegetables: blueberry vinaigrette
For those of you just tuning in, this post is an update to Operation Eat More Vegetables, which is my attempt at getting my 3-year-old, as the title amply explains, to eat more vegetables. To get a sticker, Meghan has to eat all the vegetables she is served at dinner. It took her 12 days to get ...
Vegan mint chocolate chip ice cream pie
The dog days of summer are here. Where I live, it's hot. If I close my eyes and walk outside, I could mistakenly think I walked into a sauna. The last thing I want to do is turn on my oven and bake. But I still need dessert. Oh, yes, dessert still needs to be had. My sweet tooth is kind of ...
Quinoa patties with black beans and corn
When the biggest card-carrying carnivore takes a bite of a vegan patty and says, "Really good, hon," you know you have a recipe winner. The carnivore is my husband, by the way, and he is not always easy to win over with my healthy, meatless meals. If you have a man (or woman) in your life who ...