Aaaaand just like that, June is gone. Two more days and the calendar will say July. Slow down, summer break. Slow down.
We’ve been busy and having fun, so I guess the old saying is true.
Meghan had her dance recital in June. This year she did four different ballet classes (only two performed in the recital), modern, tap, and jazz. This girl LOVES dance. Even more, she loves to perform. She looks forward to the dance recital all year.
Luke had a busy month. He finished up his t-ball season.
I hear a lot of people say baseball is boring to watch, but I really enjoy watching it, even at this level.
The snacks after games is a whole ‘nother issue. Don’t get me started…
Luke decided he wanted to try swim team this summer. He gets really nervous trying new things and was very hesitant at first, but I’m so proud of him for the progress he’s made.
I did my third obstacle course race in June. I love obstacle course racing! This one was the Savage race and it was 6 miles with 30 obstacles.
I like obstacle course racing because it gives me something to train for, which helps me exercise more consistently. It’s also much more fun for me than straight road racing.
This one was great because it was just challenging enough. Not as challenging as The Battlefrog, but that’s a good thing! I ended up getting 3rd in my age group. (I’m in the 40 year old group now!!)
Picking favorite recipes is like picking a favorite child. It’s kind of impossible. But if I had to choose, I’d pick the 3-ingredient Banana Cookies for their simplicity, the Vegetable Lasagna for its pure awesomeness, and the Massaged Kale Antioxidant Salad for its superior nutrition.
If you missed any of my other new posts in June, here they are:
101 Salad Recipes for Everyone
How to Get Clear Skin (Naturally)
I also updated some photos on old recipes this month. Check these out!
Cucumber Salad with Green Grapes and Avocado
#Saladeveryday Challenge
The #saladeveryday Challenge I held in The Happy Healthy Mamas private Facebook group was a BIG success! It was motivating and inspiring to see everyone’s different salads and really helped me to eat more veggies everyday. That’s always a good thing!
For July we are going to do a No Sugar Challenge! I know this will be a tough one for a lot of us, so having that extra support is KEY. Join us? Click here to request to join our group and I’ll get you approved within 24 hours.
P.S.–>the challenges are totally free, always!
My June books were Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.
I recently discovered The GaryVee Audio Experience podcast and that’s what prompted me to get his book. I recommend both to all my entrepreneurial readers. Fair warning: Gary cusses a lot! His message is solid, though, and has been helping me to be more business-minded in my blog life.
Big Magic is a celebration of the creative life. I will admit that I was not a fan of Eat Pray Love. This, though, I could relate to and has been a source of inspiration. Living a creative life is something that’s always been important to me and my whole life I’ve aspired to “be a writer.” Her words have helped me get past some hangups I didn’t even realize I had.
I’ve underlined lots in this one, but here are a few favorites:
Just say what you want to say, then, and say it with all your heart. Share whatever you are driven to share. If it’s authentic enough, believe me, it will feel original.
I can only be in charge of producing the work itself. That’s a hard enough job. I refuse to take on additional jobs, such as trying to police what anybody thinks about my work once it leaves my desk.
You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures.
Next month we are going on a beach vacation, and I’m committed to reading some FICTION. Any recommendations?
Beautycounter came out with this new product, an Overnight Resurfacing Peel and I’ve been using it for a few weeks. Guys. OBSESSED. It’s meant to minimize the appearance of pores, fine lines, and dark spots. I haven’t been using it long enough to know if it helps with wrinkles, but I noticed in immediate result in the smoothness of my skin. It really helps with the texture! If you have dull skin, dark spots, and want something that helps you get that glowing- skin look, this product is amazing!! I wake up in the morning after sleeping with it on and can notice a big difference in my face. I’m using it 4 times a week right now.
That’s it for June, friends! If you like the more personal side of Happy Healthy Mama, follow me over on Instagram. Lots of real life happenings in my stories!
I wish you a happy, healthy, warm July! 🙂
I ordered the overnight peel! I can’t wait to try it out!
I’m so glad to hear that, Marci! Please let me know what you think once you’ve had a chance to try it. 🙂