Did you get a chance to see any of the National Can It Forward Day events on Saturday? If you didn't, check out this page to see what you missed! In honor of National Can It Forward Day, I decided to try my hand at some small-scale canning. I thought making some spiced peach butter would be the ...
Snack Recipes
Homemade tropical spinach fruit roll-ups
I've been on a bit of a healthy snack mission lately. I have a lot of go-to snacks that I make often, but I really wanted to expand my repertoire and come up with some new snacks. Meghan loves fruity snacks, so I thought homemade fruit roll-ups would be a great place to start. I've never been ...
Snack attack! Healthy snacks for growing kids
There are times when Meghan will go through a phase of barely eating anything at all. I wonder how she still has boundless energy when she's eating like a bird. The last few weeks, it's been the exact opposite of that. Her appetite is voracious and she eats and eats and eats. I think we've ...
Sunflower veggie wraps {Gluten-free, vegan, soy-free, nut-free}
Last week, I had a gift card to Barnes and Noble and forty five minutes, by myself, to browse the store. I haven't had that luxury in too long. It was heaven. I love bookstores. In addition to making the stack to t0-be-read-books on my night stand even bigger, I also left ...
Grain-free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies {gluten-free, vegan, soy-free}
If you follow my Food I've Made Pinterest board, you know that I recently made a batch of my High Protein Energy balls. I hadn't made them in a while since it'd been so long since I could eat peanuts or tree nuts. They were eaten up so quickly I had to make a second batch a few days later. As I ...
Homemade sunflower seed butter: a cost comparison and recipe
It was a sad, sad day when I realized Luke had an intolerance to peanuts and tree nuts. Peanut butter and almond butter were staples in my diet and giving them up meant a little less joy in my daily eating. Sunflower seed butter (also known as simply "sun butter") has replaced my ...
Butternut squash smoothie
This smoothie is the answer for all of you who are craving fall even though it's still 80 degrees outside. A nice cool smoothie packed with the warming spices of autumn. Fall flavor in a summery glass. Perfect for the end of summer. I first made this smoothie a few weeks ago when I'd ...
Avocado Pineapple Salsa
This Avocado Pineapple Salsa is the perfect combination of heat + sweet and it goes well on everything from chicken to fish to veggie burgers! I've always loved writing. When I was in second grade I "published" a book as part of the Young Author's program. In the back of the book, on ...
Coconut-lime roasted chickpeas
Chickpeas are a staple around here. Whether we fry them with a little oil on the stovetop or roast them in the oven, we love turning them into crispy little snacks or a tasty side dish. This is my latest flavoring that we all loved. Coconut oil is perfect for roasting because it withstands high ...
Almond, date, and coconut energy balls {guest post}
I'm thrilled to share my blog with Heather from Fit Mama Real Food. She is due to become a new mom any day now and is a true inspiration with her fitness habits and passion for real food. Enjoy today's post! Hi Happy Healthy Mama readers! I'm Heather from Fit Mama Real Food. So happy to ...
10 delicious ways to curb your sugar cravings without sugar
This year for Lent, I gave up sugar. Sugar is a broad term, so let me clarify. I did not give up fruit or unsweetened dried fruit. I did give up sugar, whether refined or unrefined (like Sucanat and turbinado sugar) and other high-sugar sweeteners like maple syrup and honey. Even though natural ...
Sesame almond energy balls
Just when things started settling down and I was feeling like I was getting into a good routine again, I got thrown for a loop. Luke is really congested. Newborn babies only breathe through their nose, so being congested causes huge problems. Eating and sleeping become really difficult. If baby ...