So many times when I buy a bunch of cilantro, I only need a few tablespoons. Then I have this huge bunch leftover, which doesn't sit well with this mama. I hate to waste food, so whenever I buy cilantro I find myself scrambling to find ways to use it up. That's how this recipe was born. I had ...
Dinner Recipes
Pistachio-Crusted Salmon
Whenever wild salmon is on sale at the grocery store, I take advantage of the opportunity to save a few bucks and eat some healthy fish. That was the case this week and I was all over it. I didn't really have a plan for how I was going to prepare the salmon, but I knew I was tired of my usual ...
Mango and Avocado Coleslaw
It can be difficult when you have different tastes than your family. I do my best to accommodate my husband's taste buds, my toddler's ever-changing preferences, and my own cravings. We all like different things and sometimes it gets downright hairy trying to please everyone. When Tim saw me ...
Family Chicken with Leeks and Lentils
If you read my blog at all, you know that I don't post meat recipes very often. The reason is I have a lot more veggie recipes to choose from. My food philosophy is simple: more plants, less meat. This means we are eating vegan/vegetarian meals 6 days a week and meals that include meat only once ...
Baked Home Fries Plus
If you have someone in your life whose vegetable of choice is the white potato and thinks by eating it he's getting all the vegetables he needs, this is the recipe for you. It has all the deliciousness that white potato lovers come to expect, with a little added umph of nutrition by the addition of ...
Sweet Potato Enchiladas with Chipotle and Spinach Sauce
A lot of food blogs have something called "Meal Plan Monday" where they post their meal plans for the week. There's a reason I don't do this. Putting my meal plan out there is too much of a commitment. I'm sorry if I sound like the flaky guy you dated in your early twenties, but I would feel like ...
Broccoli Cheddar Millet Cups
What is a sure-fire way to get your kids to eat broccoli? Okay, let me be honest here. There are no sure fire ways to get your kids to eat broccoli, so allow me to rephrase that. What are some ways to up your chances of getting your kids to eat broccoli? 1.) Add cheese. 2.) Bake it into a ...
Polenta Pizza
Last week as I was putting together my family's meal plan, an intriguing idea popped into my head: polenta pizza. We all love pizza, I thought, why not mix it up with a change from the same old whole wheat dough I usually make? I thought I was brilliant for a minute, until I googled it and found ...
Three Bean Vegetarian Chili in the Slow Cooker
My kitchen had a very good Christmas. She was a little selfish, but got everything she wanted. She received a fabulous all-purpose cooker that is a rice cooker, slow cooker, and steamer in one. It's hard to believe we've gone this long without a slow cooker. I've had fun experimenting with it, ...
Penne with Red Kale and White Beans
I think I can officially say that I am over my dislike of kale. It started with kale chips. It's easy to like kale cooked into a crunchy chip, though, and I wasn't sure I'd get beyond that. Then I discovered Tahini Lemon Rice and Beans, a dish loaded with kale, and loved it. Now this. I have ...
Vegan Butternut Squash and White Bean Enchiladas
I hate when I'm really excited about a meal, and then I look at the pictures and think, "Oh, no! It doesn't look as good as it tasted!" Clearly, I tried extra hard with this one. See that little piece of parsley I even added to brighten up the photo? Seriously, though, this meal is outstanding ...
Favorite Recipes of 2010
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed their time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While I took a few days off from blogging to focus on the celebration and time with my family, I wanted to give you a recap of our favorite recipes that I posted on Happy ...