Here it is: another week of how dinner went down in our house. Grocery shopping day snuck up on me and I wasn't fully armed with a meal plan this week. I hate when that happens because grocery shopping inevitably takes longer and I often either forget something I need or buy things I don't need. ...
Dinner Recipes
Apple cheddar frittata
When I need a quick and easy dinner, one staple item I turn to often is eggs. They lend fast preparation, are a good source of protein, and are chock full of nutrients. Eggs also happen to be economical and delicious. This is a dinner that can be on your table in under 30 minutes. If you're ...
How dinner went down: January 29th-February 4th
I love reading blog posts with weekly meal plans. I always like to see what other families eat for dinner in a typical week and can usually find new ideas for my own weekly meal plan. I've been hesitant to post my own meal plans here, though, because I don't always stick to them. Sometimes I ...
Vegetable and tempeh stew with herb dumplings
So, I know it's Thanksgiving week and if you are hosting your mind is totally focused on all the holiday food you have to make. If you aren't hosting, then you are probably traveling, in which case you are busy preparing your family to get on the road. Either way, you aren't thinking about dinner ...
Beet and goat cheese phyllo pie
Lately my meal planning is all over the place. One week I have each meal meticulously planned, down to the last ingredient, and then the next week I am haphazardly planning meals in my mind as I wander through the produce section of the grocery store. As much as I hate those weeks when I'm not as ...
Baked parmesan-crusted parsnip (er-daikon radish) fries
Every Wednesday since March, a box, full of local, organic vegetables lands on my doorstep. It feels like Christmas every week when I open it up and see what's inside. I realize that it's a strange person who gets excited about vegetables, but I do. I really do. The last few weeks I've seen ...
Halloween stuffed peppers
I loved reading all of your confessions in the comment section of yesterday's post. They actually made me think of about 10 more confessions I could have added to my list. For today, I'll stick with two confessions. First, there's not a new recipe in today's post. I simply used ...
Thai marinated tempeh nuggets
I am well aware that at least 50 percent of my readers saw the title and either a.) deleted their email notification without reading any more or b.) have already clicked away from the page, completely scared of the word "tempeh". The rest of you are either humoring me and reading with eyebrows ...
Spinach salad with roasted grapes, feta, and walnuts
I haven't been in the mood for salads as much since fall arrived. Comfort foods and soups took their place on the menu as the temperatures started to drop. Then, Mother Nature got confused and summer-like temperatures re-emerged. I'm not complaining. I'll take as many sunny and 80 degree days ...
Layered Vegetable Crockpot Casserole
This is a super busy week for me. I'm sure you've all been there. It's one of those weeks where I just don't have more than 20 or 30 minutes to spend on dinner. So last week when my sister-in-law requested vegetarian crockpot recipes, it was perfect timing. This meal took about 20 minutes to ...
Crispy baked sweet potato & beet chips
I got an email from a reader today asking from where I get my recipe inspiration. That's a hard question because there isn't one singular place that I look for inspiration when it comes to my kitchen creations. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized my inspiration comes from two main ...
Veggie Pancakes
I know what you're thinking. I'm becoming a sneaky chef. First, I sneak vegetables into muffins, and now they're hiding in my pancakes. My intention is not to hide the vegetables from my daughter or my husband. But sometimes, you gotta do whatcha gotta do, know what I mean? It's not that ...