I loved reading all of your confessions in the comment section of yesterday’s post. They actually made me think of about 10 more confessions I could have added to my list.
For today, I’ll stick with two confessions. First, there’s not a new recipe in today’s post. I simply used my recipe for Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers (which Tim and I both love), used all orange peppers and carved them to look like Jack-o-lanterns.
Which leads me to confession #2: these are not my original idea. I first saw them on Pinterest and then the lovely Kristina posted a version on her blog, spabettie.
So why am I posting a twist on an old recipe that isn’t even my own idea? Well, because I think they are darn cute and a lot of my readers (especially those with kids) might want to give them a whirl for a Halloween dinner.
Meghan thought they were the cutest thing ever. She was so excited as I was carving them.
As they were boiling, I explained to her that they were for dinner and she replied, “Can I have one?” Of course!
Then, dinner time rolled around, and while she loved having the “pumpkin” on her plate, when I told her she should eat the stuffing she looked at me, somber and serious, and said, “No. That’s too yucky.”
She still doesn’t like food that’s all mixed together and mostly refuses to even try it. Someday, I hope she comes around. Meanwhile, I hope your kids will enjoy some Jack-o-lantern stuffed peppers this Halloween.
The minimal changes I made to the original recipe were to use only orange bell peppers, carve faces in them, and add the pepper carvings to the vegetable stuffing mixture. If you don’t want to use my quinoa-based stuffing from the Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers recipe (although it’s mighty tasty), try your favorite pepper stuffing. Either way, you’ll have a super cute, festive meal!
I will be making these tonight!!!!! With quinoa!
Great! I hope you enjoy them. 🙂
I hope you don’t mind but I posted your peppers picture and a link to your blog on my recent post!!! Let me know if it is not okay!!! 🙂
Of course! Thank you. 🙂
What a great idea! I’m totally making those this weekend. I don’t know if my kids (7 and 2) will eat them as they both have issues with cooked peppers, but I’m going to give it a try anyway. If anything will get them to eat cooked peppers, it will be these. Thanks for the great idea.
You’re welcome! I hope these will create a cooked pepper breakthrough for you. 🙂
I LOVE this idea!!!!!!! I am sharing it on my facebook page!!!
Thank you! 🙂
I love halloween themed food (it’s so sad it only comes around once a year!) – even better that it works for the smaller crown as well! Really brilliant 🙂
what a fab idea!!!!!! These look absolutely awesome!
These are so cute! I am definitely going to have try this!
Very very cute!
That’s so clever! I love this, especially that little buggar on the right. 🙂 I may steal your idea, though it is tradition at my house to have chili on Halloween.
Those are the cutest stuffed peppers I have ever seen!!
Oh I LOVE these!! So creative! Perfect for halloween!
I made stuffed peppers when my hubby and I were first married. They were a disaster because I burnt them SO bad…luckily I have improved in the kitchen 🙂
SO CUTE! Oh my goodness my baby sister would love these. What a wonderful idea!
Oh my gosh! I love these! I’m going to make these for Halloween dinner – my mother-in-law will be here and this would be perfect. I KNOW Carter’s reaction will be the same as Meghan’s. 🙂
SO STINKING CUTE! I wish I could make these for my kids at school! Toooooo cute!
sooo cute! Love it. I was looking for some halloween stuff to cook once I get over the diwali hump (Indian new year). Will make this for the halloween party at my kid’s school
Those are just way too cute!
These are so cool! 🙂
We love quinoa stuffed peppers so will definitely be making these on Monday night, thanks for the idea!
We are having risotto stuffed peppers tonight…. wish I would have thought of this before I bought red bell peppers!
SO cute! I saw them a few days ago too, and briefly considered doing it for Halloween. But then I quickly dismissed the idea because there will be way too many people here that night, and that would be way too much carving! Maybe I will make them before Halloween for the 3 of us (one certain someone won’t eat peppers)… Yours turned out great!