This Loaded Spinach Salad with Creamy Avocado Basil Dressing is full of nutrition and bursting with flavor! You'll love this healthy, vegan salad. Who is ready to get their salad on? This salad has everything a salad could ever want. It's hearty and filling thanks to the addition of quinoa and ...
Search Results for: strawberry
25 Fresh, Clean Eating Recipes for Spring
Who's ready to dive face first into all the spring flavors? I know I am! So many great fruits and vegetables come into season in the spring. Make the most of it and make one of these seasonal, fresh meals! I've done the searching and scouring for you--just click away and find something that ...
Meghan’s Paris-Themed 6th Birthday Party
Meghan's birthday was over a week ago and I still can't believe this baby girl is 6. How did that happen?! Her birthday party was planned for the day before her birthday, but the poor girl was sick. She tested positive for Enterovirus D68. This was her for almost a week straight. Fever, no ...
The 40 Plant Foods Challenge Frequently Asked Questions
The #40plantfoodschallenge starts today! Are you ready?! I'm really excited for this challenge not only for myself, but also for everyone out there inspired to participate. It's always more fun to participate in a challenge with a group. We can encourage and support each other the whole ...
First day of school
*Sigh* Meghan started her second year of preschool today. While she was gone, I sat around watching home videos from when she was a baby, blubbering and wondering how she got so big so fast. Not really. But if I would have had the time to do that, I definitely would have cried while watching ...
I CAN do it and so CAN you {giveaway}
Canning is something that's always been on my radar, yet intimidates me. Last summer, I got my feet wet and tried some low-sugar strawberry jam. The results were great and I knew I should branch out and try canning even more. When the good folks at Ball sent me a Canning Discovery Kit, it ...
Operation Eat More Vegetables: blueberry vinaigrette
For those of you just tuning in, this post is an update to Operation Eat More Vegetables, which is my attempt at getting my 3-year-old, as the title amply explains, to eat more vegetables. To get a sticker, Meghan has to eat all the vegetables she is served at dinner. It took her 12 days to get ...
Scenes from Easter
Easter in our part of the world... Egg hunting Egg coloring More egg searching on Easter morning A new bike! Testing it outside With Nana and Poppy Our vegan Easter dinner that included Vegetable Wellington that was made with carrots, leaks, and garlic and a white bean ...
The pros and cons of joining a CSA
It's that time of year again. Every Wednesday evening from now until December, I'll hear my doorbell ring and find a box of locally grown, organic vegetables and/or fruit waiting for me. Just like a vegetable fairy. This is my second season being a member of a Community Supported ...
10 delicious ways to curb your sugar cravings without sugar
This year for Lent, I gave up sugar. Sugar is a broad term, so let me clarify. I did not give up fruit or unsweetened dried fruit. I did give up sugar, whether refined or unrefined (like Sucanat and turbinado sugar) and other high-sugar sweeteners like maple syrup and honey. Even though natural ...
Drink pink ink like a yink (Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!)
We read Meghan three books each night at bedtime. She gets to choose the books, which is limited to three because otherwise we'd be reading to her for hours. She'd happily choose reading over sleeping any day of the week. The girl loves her books. Here's a totally honest mommy confession, ...
1-Minute Sugar-Free Brownie
This 1-minute sugar free brownie is made is your microwave and you'd never know it's healthy! Warning: this recipe may change your life. I know it's changed mine. What if I told you you could have a gooey, chocolate-y, sweet brownie that was also sugar free and totally healthy in one ...