By this time in the school year, I always end up in a rut when it comes to packing school lunches. I fall into the trap of packing the same things day after day. These kid-friendly wraps are inspiration for you (and me!) to change things up and offer some different choices for our kids' ...
Search Results for: strawberry
A Day in the Life, Volume 3
Welcome back to another volume of A Day in the Life! I always get great feedback from these posts, so I think you all must be as nosy as I am. When you drive around neighborhoods at night do you peek in the windows with lights on to see who's eating dinner, who's watching TV, and who might be ...
7 Infused Water Recipes to Try This Summer
These infused water recipes are for all of my peeps out there who struggle to drink enough water each and everyday. I get it. Plain water can get really boring. Especially when you're trying to drink a gallon a day. Infused water to the rescue! I do have to tell you something. In general, I don't ...
Healthy Fruit Dip–4 Ways
When the snack beast rears its ugly head at your house, what do you feed it? Today, I've got an idea for you. Actually I have four ideas for you. Healthy fruit dip done four different ways! My kids can eat truck loads of fruit. They love all fruit and it's the first thing they eat from their plate ...
A Day in The Life, Part 2
I was a teacher for seven years before my first baby was born. Once Meghan made me a mama, I became a stay-at-home mom. The first year and a half of her life was riddled with so many mixed emotions. On one hand, I loved that I was able to stay home and be with Meghan all day. I'm a control freak, ...
Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal Muffins
These Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Oatmeal Muffins are a great portable breakfast idea! I make a lot of variations of baked oatmeal muffins since I first started making them almost four years ago. I don't always think about putting the new recipes here on the blog. I mean, how many baked oatmeal ...
Vegan and Healthy Thumbprint Cookies
These vegan and healthy thumbprint cookies can be ready in less than 30 minutes! Whenever "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" comes on the radio during the holiday season, I blast it and sing along. This really is the most wonderful time of the year. It's also the time of the year ...
How I Save $130 a Month Buying Organic Food at Costco
A little over a year ago, a new Costco was built close enough for our family to consider buying a membership. We hesitated taking the plunge, not sure if we'd save enough to justify the cost of membership. We'd been members years ago when we lived in Arizona, and ended up rarely using it. That, ...
The Giant List of Healthy School Lunch Ideas
Are you ready for the start of another school year? Whether you are ready or not, it's happening. Time to permanently wash the sand off of our feet, dust off our alarm clocks, and prepare ourselves for the early mornings, the after school snacks, the homework sessions, and the hectic dinners ...
10 Ways to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Healthier
It's time to start thinking about school lunches again. Do you have a peanut butter and jelly kid? I have one of each. A peanut butter and jelly kid who would eat the beloved sandwich at every meal, every day, if I let her and one kid who can take 'em or leave 'em. It turns out they both have ...
The Anatomy of a Healthy Road Trip
Ever since we moved to Ohio from Arizona six years ago, road tripping has been a part of our summers. We typically take one trip to Michigan to visit my family and one visit to the East Coast to visit Tim's family. We pack up the family truckster and take it to the road. Over the years we've ...
What I Ate Wednesday
Hi friends! I am back to share another day of healthy eating inspiration. This is how it works: on a random day, I take a crappy iPhone photo of all the food I put into my mouth before I actually put it in my mouth. Then, I share it with you curious readers. The end result, hopefully, is to give ...