Are you ready for summer? Use this cute, free printable to make your Summer Bucket List!
Wow! I can’t believe another school year has flown by.
Look at these two! It seems like yesterday and I was snapping these “first day of school pics”
I know, I know. Those are two of the most cliché mom statements ever. But it’s true! Every year I feel like I blink and the school year is gone. You, too?
Then summer swoops in and thoughts of what you’ll do for the summer fill your head. You’re hopeful. You’ve got some big, fun plans. All in your head. Before you know it, though, the days pass with kids bickering, complaints of boredom, and those hopeful ambitions disintegrate and you feel like you somehow missed out on enjoying the summer the way you envisioned.
I have a solution.
Create a Summer Bucket List
Last year we made Summer Bucket Lists. It’s pretty amazing what writing something down can do. No joke! Write it down, and it’s 95% more likely to happen. Okay…I made that number up.
I really do believe, however, that the act of writing something down makes it more likely to happen. Last summer we wrote down what we wanted to do, checked in on our list as summer went by, and ended up doing more of those fun summer things that I know the kids will remember and appreciate when they are grown.
Blueberry picking made Meghan’s Summer Bucket List last year and it happened!
So I propose you all take some time to write down those Summer Bucket Lists with your kids.
Summer Bucket Lists don’t have to be elaborate. It doesn’t need to be filled with expensive ideas or things that require a lot of time or travel. One summer, we made this tee pee for the kids to read in. A great example of a simple Summer Bucket List idea that was fun, memorable, and easy to make happen. I have a free printable that’s super cute for you to make your own Summer Bucket Lists.
To get your free printable to make your own summer bucket list with your family, enter your email below and I’ll email the cute printable directly to you. Yes, I know. You can just write it down on a piece of notebook paper. This one will be much cuter to hang on your fridge, though, AND I’ve included a list of 26 fun ideas to get you thinking! Happy summer!
More Ideas to Include on Your Summer Bucket List
- Have a mobile lemonade stand with Strawberry Lemonade .
- Make homemade popsicles with the kids.
- Visit someplace new, either near or far. Northern Michigan?
- Make White Sangria (Okay, yes, this one is for mom!)
Wow, such a great idea to prepare this colorful and unique list. As the summers are arriving so this idea is going to be helpful and useful for us in all domains and get topresume review to find the quality work. I appreciate this idea for sharing this content with us. I am going to make this list soon for myself.
So cute!
I started my summer list since September last year :). I don’t think we have enough days this summer to do everything that is on the list :). Plus, the kids will be in camps for 2 weeks and we’ll all be in California for another 2 weeks. It will be the best summer ever!