A little too often I hear these words from my husband: "Didn't you just go grocery shopping? Why isn't there any food in the house?" What he really means is, why isn't there any food that is ready to eat right now?! What he doesn't notice is the drawer in the fridge full of fresh produce and the ...
Vegan Food Challenge Reflections
Since we are nearing the end of February, clearly our 30 day Vegan Food Challenge we started with the new year has been over for a few weeks. It's been a busy few weeks for our family which is why I haven't been able to update. I'd love to fill everyone in on how the ...
Keep On Keepin’ On
Today was a difficult day for both Tim and me. For the first time during this vegan food challenge, today I felt a little deprived. I was just craving something more...substantial. It certainly didn't help that Tim was watching the Food Network show Man Versus ...
Two Weeks into the Vegan Food Challenge
I'm actually sad after typing that title because we are half way through with our challenge. Once the next two weeks are finished, I will no longer have a partner with whom I can experience the vegan life. Even sadder, I won't be able to cook exclusively vegan because ...
Vegan Pizza, Baby!
Pizza has always been one of my favorite foods and prior to this month we typically ate it once a week. Whether we ordered out, popped a frozen one in the oven, or put one together ourselves with a store- bought crust and sauce from a jar, it somehow made its way to our ...
Food Challenge Summary Days 9-11
I don't have too much time to post right now, but wanted to give a quick summary of how things have been going the last few days. The answer is good. Each day this gets easier and easier for me, and I think Tim would say the same thing. He seems less grumpy which is a great ...
We Made it to a Week!
It may not seem like much, but one week on a vegan "diet" (I put diet in quotation marks because I hate that word and don't want to think of this as a diet. For me, it's a lifestyle transition. For Tim, it's a challenge he is enduring;-)) is quite an ...
Food Challenge Summary Days 4-6
Things are going well with the food challenge. Well, I guess that depends on who you ask. If you ask me things are fantastic. If you ask Tim he may have a different answer. :-) I think overall he is doing fine, but he does have his grumpy moments. I feel ...
Day 3 Food Challenge
It occurred to me that posting recipes from a cookbook on a blog may not be legal. I'm relatively new to blogging and didn't think about copyright issues initially. So this morning I looked at the copyright page of a few of my cookbooks and sure enough they all have ...
Days 1 & 2
Ultimately I would love to blog everyday during our 30-day challenge, but I know that isn't very realistic so my goal is to post at least 3-4 times per week. So far things are going well. The biggest problem is hunger. There are no calorie restrictions in this challenge, but eating enough ...
The 30 Day Food Challenge
My interest in nutrition started two and a half years ago when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Feeling shocked, scared, and helpless, I poured myself into research. I wanted to find out everything there was to know about cancer and its treatment. I knew Mom would have to undergo the traditional ...