Sometimes finding meatless main dishes can be difficult. I find a lot of my meatless meals end up being casseroles or one-dish meals. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but I like to have meals where I can prepare some side dishes sometimes, as well. I was excited to try ...
Toddler Tuesday: Healthy Add-Ons
Is it Tuesday again already? Yikes. We went out of town Thursday for the Easter weekend, so this blog hasn't been in the forefront of my mind. Then I remembered...Toddler Tuesday! I have to blog on Tuesday if no other day, right? ;-) Since we have been traveling, I ...
Toddler Tuesday: Spinach Nuggets with a Fun Yogurt Dipping Sauce
I was rereading part of Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and she lists the "Super Green Veggies" as kale, broccoli, greens, brussels sprouts, asparagus, swiss chard, okra, peas, and spinach. She suggests that babies and toddlers (and the rest of us, too, I suppose) should have at least one serving ...
Snack Attack: Healthy Vegan Carrot Spread
Add vegetables to your snack game with this Healthy Vegan Carrot Spread! I have an affinity for snacking. When my body is telling me it's hungry, I'm just not good at saying, "So sorry my friend, you must wait until the next scheduled meal". So I don't. When I'm hungry, I eat. (And sometimes ...
Toddler Tuesday: Cheesy Broccoli, Rice, and Beans
I thought I would dedicate my Tuesday blogs to toddler food. Feeding a toddler is a challenging task as their taste memories are so short. One day Meghan will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a certain food, and the next day act like she has never tasted something so disgusting. Since I am always looking for new ...
Dinner Tonight: Salmon with Dill-Tahini Sauce and Roasted Vegetables
Some of you who have been following my blog might be thinking, "Wait a minute! I thought this was a vegan blog!". Please allow me to clarify any misconceptions. While my husband and I challenged ourselves to eat vegan for a month in January, I am not a true vegan. I consider myself more of a ...
Behold: The Avocado
If there is a food that you should hold on a pedestal, it is the avocado. This poor fruit has taken a beating and suffers a bad reputation, mostly because of its high fat content. It's a shame, really. Here's a news flash: our bodies need fat. Truly. In fact, according to the USDA, the average ...
Fruity Snack Bars
Before my last trip to the grocery store, Tim asked if I would pick up some granola bars. He wanted something with a little sweetness that wouldn't be unhealthy. After being "that girl" and reading the label on every available granola or cereal bar, I decided I would just have to make my own for ...
Grilled Italian Panini With Tangy Sun Dried Tomato Spread
A little too often I hear these words from my husband: "Didn't you just go grocery shopping? Why isn't there any food in the house?" What he really means is, why isn't there any food that is ready to eat right now?! What he doesn't notice is the drawer in the fridge full of fresh produce and the ...
Vegan Food Challenge Reflections
Since we are nearing the end of February, clearly our 30 day Vegan Food Challenge we started with the new year has been over for a few weeks. It's been a busy few weeks for our family which is why I haven't been able to update. I'd love to fill everyone in on how the ...
Keep On Keepin’ On
Today was a difficult day for both Tim and me. For the first time during this vegan food challenge, today I felt a little deprived. I was just craving something more...substantial. It certainly didn't help that Tim was watching the Food Network show Man Versus ...
Two Weeks into the Vegan Food Challenge
I'm actually sad after typing that title because we are half way through with our challenge. Once the next two weeks are finished, I will no longer have a partner with whom I can experience the vegan life. Even sadder, I won't be able to cook exclusively vegan because ...