I started something new today. At 5:30 in the morning, five days a week, for the next 21 days, I will be attending an "adventure boot camp" class with a group of about 20 other women. Ever since I made exercising regularly a goal for 2011, I've been doing a better job of making working out a ...
Maple-Cinnamon Crunchy Quinoa
Taste. Texture. Appearance. Even if you're not thinking about it when you're eating that voluptuous bowl of oatmeal you prepared, these are all qualities that come into play when deciding if you like a food or not. We all have our preferences and for some taste might be king, while another ...
Pistachio-Crusted Salmon
Whenever wild salmon is on sale at the grocery store, I take advantage of the opportunity to save a few bucks and eat some healthy fish. That was the case this week and I was all over it. I didn't really have a plan for how I was going to prepare the salmon, but I knew I was tired of my usual ...
Super Easy Applesauce Crackers
I want to thank everyone who left a comment with supportive words on this post; your words touched me and were so uplifting. Now, onto today's recipe. I've mentioned before that Meghan loves crackers. She would eat them with every meal if I let her. I hate buying store-bought crackers, though, ...
Vegan Lemon Blueberry Scones
When life hands you lemons, make lemon scones. This week should have been a great week for me. I had a birthday, and I love birthdays. I'm not someone who worries about her age, but rather embraces each stage of my life. Despite the smile and carrot cake, I had a tough week. At times I felt ...
Broccoli and Cream Cheese Sammy
After my experiment with adding a vegetable with cheese to create a sandwich mixture turned into a successful green grilled cheese (check out the comment section over there--a lot of readers have tried the green grilled cheese with their kiddos and they loved it), I realized that I could use this ...
Mango and Avocado Coleslaw
It can be difficult when you have different tastes than your family. I do my best to accommodate my husband's taste buds, my toddler's ever-changing preferences, and my own cravings. We all like different things and sometimes it gets downright hairy trying to please everyone. When Tim saw me ...
Healthy Indulgence: Dark Chocolate Brownie Cake
After my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2007, I quit sugar cold turkey. I went six months without eating much sugar at all, unless it came from fruit. During that time my palate changed and I stopped craving it. It's amazing how our bodies work that way. Then I got pregnant and all bets were ...
Dairy-Free Carob Pudding
Would you believe me if I told you there was a way to make a delicious, creamy, chocolate-y pudding without any dairy or refined sugar? I wouldn't lead you astray. You definitely can. I've been making a "chocolate pudding" recipe from Gena's Choosing Raw for Meghan since she was about 20 ...
Creamy Orange Miso Dressing
Top Four Reason You Need to be Making Your Own Dressing 4. It only takes a few minutes. Every recipe for homemade dressing that I use is literally as simple as mixing the ingredients and serving. 3. Homemade dressing tastes better. Fresh ingredients with no preservatives? Yes, it tastes much ...
Family Chicken with Leeks and Lentils
If you read my blog at all, you know that I don't post meat recipes very often. The reason is I have a lot more veggie recipes to choose from. My food philosophy is simple: more plants, less meat. This means we are eating vegan/vegetarian meals 6 days a week and meals that include meat only once ...
Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread Recipe (Healthy snack idea!)
This Peanut Butter-Chocolate Spread takes minutes to mix together and yields a sweet treat that is healthy and delicious! Is there a better flavor combination out there than peanut butter + chocolate? Really--is there? Peanut butter and chocolate just go together, but you don't really think of ...