I hoped to be bringing you a recipe for herbed focaccia bread tonight. Whole grain bread baking has been on my list of things I want to get good at--I even took a bread baking class last fall that was supposed to focus on whole grain breads. In reality, the class featured recipes that split white ...
Breakfast Quinoa
It's easy to get into a breakfast rut. For Meghan and Tim, it's smoothies. For me, it's oatmeal. Both are great breakfast choices, but if you eat anything 7 days a week you're bound to get sick of it eventually. This recipe was my attempt to shake up our breakfasts. {The chocolate waffles were ...
Baked Home Fries Plus
If you have someone in your life whose vegetable of choice is the white potato and thinks by eating it he's getting all the vegetables he needs, this is the recipe for you. It has all the deliciousness that white potato lovers come to expect, with a little added umph of nutrition by the addition of ...
Ingredient Spotlight: Coconut Flour (and a Brownie Bite recipe)
Healthy white flour alternatives don't have to be limited to whole wheat. If you are looking for a healthy, non-wheat flour, you should look to coconut flour. What is it? Coconut flour is is defatted, dried coconut that is milled into a flour. The texture is similar to whole wheat flour. ...
Girls’ Night Roasted Garlic Hummus
I prefer not to use the word "terrible" when describing my daughter, as that might give the wrong impression. Someone might think I don't adore her like I do or love her more than I realized was possible. But now that I am officially a mom of a two-year-old, I can relate to the tired mom who ...
Whole Wheat Chocolate Waffles with Strawberry Sauce
This is what I like to call a healthy indulgence. Is this an indulgent breakfast? Yes. Can an indulgence still be healthy? Of course! Just wait until you see the ingredient list--no one will ever guess the nutrition these waffles pack in. If you haven't noticed, I've been on a bit of a ...
Sweet Potato Enchiladas with Chipotle and Spinach Sauce
A lot of food blogs have something called "Meal Plan Monday" where they post their meal plans for the week. There's a reason I don't do this. Putting my meal plan out there is too much of a commitment. I'm sorry if I sound like the flaky guy you dated in your early twenties, but I would feel like ...
Pure Joy Bars
I wasn't always the healthiest eater. In junior high, I ate an ice cream bar everyday with my lunch. After school, the snack I devoured, every single day, before my sports practices, was a Snickers bar. I certainly didn't grow up eating Larabars. I distinctly remember my first Almond Joy. My ...
PB & J Oatmeal
As much as I like to think I'm helping develop a healthy eater who doesn't require "kid food" at every meal, there is one kid sandwich that Meghan would eat at every meal if I let her: peanut butter and jelly. One time she asked for it for breakfast, and I almost obliged. Instead, Peanut Butter ...
Broccoli Cheddar Millet Cups
What is a sure-fire way to get your kids to eat broccoli? Okay, let me be honest here. There are no sure fire ways to get your kids to eat broccoli, so allow me to rephrase that. What are some ways to up your chances of getting your kids to eat broccoli? 1.) Add cheese. 2.) Bake it into a ...
Vegan Chickpea Tomato Wrap
This Vegan Chickpea Tomato Wrap makes a super quick and easy lunch that is full of flavor!Often times, I eat whatever Meghan is having for lunch. If she's having a mashed banana and tahini sandwich, I go ahead and have one, too. Some days, however, I just want something that I know Meghan most ...
Beat the Winter Blues Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips
This recipe is my attempt to rebel against winter. No Mr. Winter, I'm not going to make soup today. What's that you say? You want me to cook a heavy casserole? Sorry, I've had it with your warming comfort foods. Enough is enough. Do you hear me? We. are. over. Next Wednesday is Ground Hog ...