The dog days of summer are here. Where I live, it's hot. If I close my eyes and walk outside, I could mistakenly think I walked into a sauna. The last thing I want to do is turn on my oven and bake. But I still need dessert. Oh, yes, dessert still needs to be had. My sweet tooth is kind of ...
Dessert recipes
Mini caramelized banana coconut cream acorn squash pies – 32 ways! {guest post}
Hello, readers! I first want to thank you for your warm responses and encouraging words in response to my last post. Your support means so much. I'm excited to introduce a talented new blogger, Joanna, from Midwestern Bite. She's a fellow Midwesterner with a great story and an even better ...
1-Minute Sugar-Free Brownie
This 1-minute sugar free brownie is made is your microwave and you'd never know it's healthy! Warning: this recipe may change your life. I know it's changed mine. What if I told you you could have a gooey, chocolate-y, sweet brownie that was also sugar free and totally healthy in one ...
Gluten & dairy-free pumpkin pie bars
Happy Halloween! We had a fun weekend filled with Halloween festivities. Meghan, as the cutest bumble bee I've ever seen, wore her costume to various events all week. Halloween becomes a week-long event these days! Tim and I had an adult costume party to attend this weekend. As you can ...
Healthy apple peanut butter cookie bites-49 calories each
I wouldn't classify any kind of baking as easy, per se. Baking is a science that's easy to screw up. But when it comes to different types of baking, I'd say that unhealthy baking is infinitely easier than healthy baking. Throw a few sticks of butter, a cup of white sugar, half a cup of brown ...
Crockpot apple cinnamon bread pudding
Remember those crown-shaped princess sandwiches I made for Meghan's birthday party? As you can imagine, they created a lot of leftover bread. There's no way I was going to throw all that leftover bread away, so what's a girl to do? Make one of her favorite desserts--bread pudding! I think ...
Pumpkin spiced white hot chocolate
This warm drink combines two of my favorite flavors: pumpkin spices and chocolate. Really, you can't go wrong here. Even though fall doesn't officially start until September 23rd, it was here the moment I took a drink of this spicy, comforting hot chocolate drink. When I saw this picture of a ...
Maple Cinnamon Soft Serve with Cinnamon Raisin Cookie Dough
I've told you that my pregnancy cravings have been for salty, spicy, savory foods. That doesn't mean I never crave anything sweet, but nothing beyond my normal need for sweet treats. When I was pregnant with Meghan, it was a totally different story. I wanted something sweet all the time. I ...
A Healthier Birthday Cake
Guess whose birthday is just under a month away? Hard to believe, but this little girl is turning 3. Last year, after two major healthy-cake failures, at the last minute I caved in and made a boxed cake for her birthday. I was out of time and desperate. When I looked at the ingredients on ...
Carrot Cake Smoothie
Things That Make Me Happy: 1. Checking tasks off of my to-do list. 2. A clean house. 3. When I have to wake Meghan up from her nap and she's still so sleepy she lets me rock her. 4. New clothes. 5. Finding fun home decorating ideas on Pinterest. (Can you say obsessed?) 6. ...
Watermelon-Avocado “Ice Cream”
Summer is my favorite season. By a long shot. I love the warm sun, flip flops, the pool, and the smell of grilling going out throughout the neighborhood every evening. I also love cold treats that offset the hot days. I had a hard time naming this treat. Is it sorbet? Kind of looks and tastes ...
Low-Sugar Strawberry Jam
First, I want to thank you everyone for the kind words and well wishes in response to the big news in my last post. I loved reading every comment! Now, on to the jam. This post isn't just about strawberry jam. Yes, you'll get a recipe for strawberry jam, and homemade jam is always special. ...