It doesn’t seem possible, but today I am the mom of a ten year old. Ten! I’ve been mom for a decade to this sweet, loving, smart, funny, and talented girl. Today’s post is for her, telling her all the things I want her to know on her 10th birthday.
My Dear Meghan Jane,
Last night when I kissed you goodnight and said I love you, you answered with “I think I love you more than you love me.”
Those words almost took my breath away, making my mom brain panic that my daughter would think such a thing. When I asked you why, your answer was simply, “…because I love you so much I don’t think it’s possible to love any more than that.”Oh, Meghan. If you only knew.
I pulled you close to me, happy you still let me hug you like that, and wished I could explain the love I have for you. I hope you could feel it radiating from me because I never want you to question it. I think we love each other the same, okay?I want you to know how lucky I feel to be your mom. God gave me the perfect daughter and I thank Him every single day.
No matter if I’m frustrated or impatient with you, my love is constant. Even when I have to ask you to do something more than once and I seem mad, my love never changes. Nothing you do can change my love for you. Please always know that.
You’re 10 today! I know how excited you are to be in double digits, but remember to never rush growing up. Enjoy and savor your childhood. You only get to do it once, after all.I know by now you’ve learned that life isn’t always easy. I warned you when you turned five that life gets more complicated as you get older. I hope you’ll realize that even when people are mean and life seems unfair, you always get to choose how you handle difficult situations.
People can be mean, but you can respond with kindness. Your heart is pure and you can choose to keep it that way even when those around you don’t seem to be acting with kindness. It’s a difficult thing to do, be sure of that.
But you, my darling, can do difficult things. That realization alone will get you far in life. I don’t know if I tell you this enough, but I’m so very proud of you. You work so hard at everything you do. Whether it’s school, or dance, or golf, you never give up.
I hope you’ll follow your dreams. I have to warn you: there will be people who tell you they are unrealistic, impractical, or crazy.
You know what? They are your dreams and you can do whatever you set your mind to doing. Don’t let anyone discourage you.
Thank you for being you. You probably don’t realize this, but you make me strive to be a better person every day. Daddy, Luke, and I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Happy 10th birthday, baby girl.
Mommy xoxo
Posts from Meghan’s past birthdays
Meghan’s Minnie Mouse 4th Birthday Party
Meghan’s Paris-themed 6th Birthday
Why I Think I’m Going to Like Having a 9 Year Old
So so sweet! I just looked back at her 5 year birth post and I was surprised to see I had commented on that one too! I remember reading so long ago when she was such a little girl. It’s been fun watching her grow!
My daughter is 8 and this post had me sobbing! Sweetest thing ever!
Thank you. I was sobbing when I was writing it! Motherhood isn’t for the faint of heart, is it?