If you’re looking for a quick ab workout you can do at home, in your hotel room, or anywhere, this one’s for you. You can do it alone or add it to the end of this At-Home Circuit Workout. Let’s talk about abs. Whether they admit it or not, everyone wants great abs. Unfortunately, there’s no shortcuts when it comes to developing those abdominal muscles.
The older we get, the more difficult it becomes. As a 41-year-old mama of two, I I saw my abs disappear under a layer of “baby weight” that stuck around long after I gave birth, and had to work hard to help them reappear. (Hi-rise leggings, help, too, let’s be real…)
It’s so much more than just doing ab workouts, though. You can do all the ab exercises you want, but if you’re living on pizza and beer, it will all be for naught. You have to maintain a healthy diet, too. The old saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is oh so true!
Once you’re consistent with eating a well-balanced diet, however, workouts targeting the core are beneficial for developing abdominal muscles.
Vanity aside, having a strong core is important. A strong core protects your back muscles, which lowers your chances of injury. Back pain is the WORST so having a strong core is worth it!
So many every day tasks require core strength. Think about it. Bending over to tie your shoes or pick something up, housework, and anything that requires bending or twisting. Keeping your core strong will help all of these tasks be pain-free AND let you enjoy them well into your older years. That’s the goal, right?!
Today I have a quick ab workout that you can complete on its own, or tacked onto another home workout. If you try this one, please let me know how you like it. Your feedback is important to me!
Quick Ab Workout
Workout written by Anthony Dodds. Follow Coach Dodds on Instagram for more fitness inspiration.
Complete 2 Rounds
- Leg Raise x 10 both legs
- Single leg V-up x 5 each leg
- Leg Raise x 10 both legs
- Single leg V-up x 5 each leg
- Hold a plank for 60 seconds (or to failure)
Complete 2 Rounds
- Knee to chest crunch x 15
- Single leg v-up holds “5 seconds of holding” 5 reps on each leg
- Knee to chest crunch x 15
- Single leg V-up holds “5 seconds of holding” 5 reps on each leg
- Hold a plank for 60 seconds (or to failure)
Trainer Notes
- Leg Raise: Start lying on your back with legs straight, lift both legs off the ground as high as you can and control them back down to starting position. For an option keep one leg on the ground and lift the other.
- Single leg V-up: Keep one leg on the ground always, while the other leg is meeting your arms in the middle of your body and then you’re alternating legs. To make harder keep both feet off the floor at all times.
- Plank: Keep elbows underneath the shoulders for full support of the body, squeeze the butt and core the entire time, keep but out of the air. Option take it down to your knees.
- Knee to chest: Lying on your back, legs bent, toes facing the ceiling heels planted in the ground drive knees towards the chest and hold the crunch once you’re at the top for one second, control the legs down back to starting position.
- Single Leg V-Up Hold: Keep one leg on the ground always, while the other leg is meeting your arms in the middle of your body. Try to keep shoulders off the ground while you’re reaching as far up towards your feet.
Activewear outfit from ZYIA Active. I’m wearing the Royal Blue Pocket Light N Tights with the Navy Camo Mesh Light N Tight Bra.
Also check out this Dumbbell Arm Workout!
Great workout!
awesome 💝💝💝
Dosti shayari