Why does 4 sound so much older than 3? My baby boy turned 4 and I can feel a distinct shift in our lives as a result. We’re being propelled out of the baby and toddler stage, even if I’m dragging my feet a bit, not quite ready.
I love having these updates to read as my children grow. It’s a blessing to be able to look back and read as we pass through the different stages of our lives. If I didn’t have this blog, would I write it all down? Would I remember the details? I’m grateful I do have this blog and that I use it to remember the memories that get fuzzy with time, keeping them vivid. Thanks for sharing the journey with us.Luke’s big personality came out as a 3 year old. When he’s happy, he’s fiercely happy and isn’t afraid to show you. It’s common for him, in moments of joy, to run up to me and kiss my leg several times, and then run back to whatever he’s doing. He can be extremely sweet and loving. Then, there’s another side.
When he’s not happy, it’s apparent to everyone around him. He will definitely yell, scream, or cry if things aren’t going his way. He’s a physical kids and he takes his anger out on his sister sometimes. Maybe he’ll mellow out as a 4 year old?
Luke doesn’t love crowds or a lot of noise and gets easily overwhelmed in situations where these are present. He goes to a Montessori school (the same one where I teach 2 days a week) and it is a multi-age classroom with 30 students all in one room. Sometimes this proves to be too much for him, but he’s learning different ways to cope.
Meghan always loved school and never once, since the day she started preschool, said she didn’t want to go. Luke is the opposite. He first started last January, right after he turned 3, as the school had a last minute opening. From the first day, he clung to me and didn’t want to let go. He doesn’t do that anymore, but almost every morning I hear, “I don’t want to go to school.” or “School is boring.” How does a 3 year old even have “boring” in their vocabulary?
Despite the fact that he doesn’t love school, this boy is smart as a whip. I know I sound like an 80-year-old grandma using that phrase, but he is. He is curious, asks questions, and seems to learn and remember things easily. Lucky kid.
A few weeks ago he started reading! He learned his letters and sounds really young, by 18 months, and so during a trip to the library last month I decided to pick up a few of the BOB Books so I could show him how to sound out simple words. He took to it right away and now can read simple CVC patterns. I haven’t tried to go beyond that with him as he’s so young; I’m just following his lead and helping him as long as he’s excited about it.
He’s great with numbers, also, and loves counting. If you’ll listen, he’ll count to 200. I’m terrible at math so I’m hopeful he didn’t inherit my math skills!
When it comes to eating, he’s very unpredictable. Long gone are the days where he’d eat anything I put on his plate. It’s very common for him to take one look at his dinner plate and say, “I won’t eat it.” or “I’m only going to eat the apples {or whatever fruit we’re having}.” But then the very next day he’ll eat everything on his plate with no explanation.
He doesn’t seem to like cooked vegetables as much as he used to, which is disappointing. He will almost always eat raw carrots, red bell peppers, or cucumbers, which is good I guess, but not quite at the level of variety I prefer. He still eats just about all fruits. Most grains I try to serve him he turns his nose up at and he’ll usually eat chickpeas but not other beans very often. He usually likes eggs, chicken, and steak. Snack and breakfast foods are his faves.
Sleep is still going fantastic. He’s making up for his lack of sleep early in life! He typically sleeps 10-11 hours at night and naps 2-3 hours. He isn’t showing any signs of dropping the nap yet, but I know these days are fleeting and before long I won’t have any napping kids left. Meghan dropped her nap at 4 1/2, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Luke is closer to 5. I typically have to wake him up from his nap, so I think he still really needs it.
Meghan and Luke have a typical sibling relationship. One day they play together really well and the next day they can’t stop fighting over every. little. thing. I try to find a balance between letting them work out their issues, and intervening and helping them learn to love and appreciate each other, even when they are frustrated and disagree.
Luke is my sweet, loving, moody, smart, and physical boy who enriches our lives everyday. Happy birthday, buddy. If Luke was reading this, he would say, “I’m not Buddy, I’m Luke!”
My youngest is just about 6 months older than Luke and I can agree-age 4 she really turned into a GIRL not a baby or a toddler or even a preschooler. It’s insane!
I’m loving 4. It’s such a fun age! But it’s also really sad to think I’m probably totally done with the baby years.
Wow, I thought it was Meghan in the picture where he is encircled by the blanket! 🙂 I too, have been reading HHM since you were pregnant with him. He is growing up so quickly!
So sweet!! Happy Birthday Luke!!!
4 does seem a lot older, somewhere. I felt the same way when my middle daughter turned 8 years old a few weeks ago. For some reason, 8 seems a lot older than 7 to me, too. Kids sure do grow up fast. I have been reading all your posts since Luke was born in regards to his dairy issues, etc. I am so glad that he outgrew them. That is very exciting!
Holy cannoli, Maryea. 4?! I’ve been with you (ie reading the blog) since you were PREGNANT with Luke. I cannot believe your baby is 4! Goodness!
PS Megan is a TROOPER. Mybrother didn’t start taking things out on me til we were much older. It can be HARD growing up with a brother. (Did you take that picture, capturing the moment on film? It’s oddly funny and is really, in so many ways, such a great picture, Meghan’s assault notwithstanding. LOL I feel like it should be hanging in an art house or gallery somewhere. 🙂 )
I always tell Meghan she’s lucky Luke is her little brother. I had two older brothers who were always bigger and stronger than me and it was really hard! At least, for now, she’s the bigger and stronger one. 🙂 He has actually taught HER about hitting. I’d never seen her hit anyone until Luke came along and started hitting her. He’s toughening her up, I guess. 🙂 Yes, I took the picture. I was trying to get a good shot of them when we were visiting Tim’s parents and there was an amazing backdrop, but all he wanted to do was fight! I finally bribed him with chocolate to get him to hug her. Stellar parenting. 😉
I’ve read your blogs re Luke’s dairy intolerance etc. How’s his dairy issue? I’ve had my 3rd baby, but she’s my first with dairy issue, her story very similar to that which uou explained with Luke’s e.g. mucous and blood in stools etc.
Much better! He’s outgrown all of his intolerances. Between ages 2 1/2 and 3 he was able to tolerate dairy. He has no problems with it now, but we do limit it. He has dairy a few times a week (whole milk yogurt and some cheese and/or butter). I hope your little one outgrows it as well! I know how hard it is. 🙁