No recipe tonight folks, just some dirty little secrets. The first one involves this guy:
In case you’re a new reader (welcome!) that guy is my husband, Tim. This is the guy who was a professional baseball player when I met him. This is the guy who makes me swoon when he serenades me with his guitar.
This is the guy who makes me laugh like no one else can. This is the cool, amazing, gorgeous, talented guy I married.
And he’s a closet nerd. Which, of course, makes me love him even more. Dirty little secrets.
Two of his favorite past times involve toys and games that most people leave behind with puberty: yo-yo’s and ping pong. He’s got a secret collection of yo-yo’s that you would never guess belongs to a grown man.
And check out this unassuming decorative box on our mantel.
Open it up and what do you find? A secret yo-yo stash.
You never know when you are going to get the urge to bust out some yo-yo tricks; you need a yo-yo close by at all times. And he knows more than just the basic tricks–I wish I had a video to include here. The man could be a professional yo-yo-er if such a thing existed.
Then there’s the ping pong thing. It’s his most recent obsession. He found a club that has weekly “open gym” nights where he goes to play. He comes home so sweaty you’d think he’d been out playing a real sport.
Guess which night is his oh-so-fun ping pong night? Yep–Friday night.
So when he’s off doing his ping pong thing on Friday nights, I’m here, usually catching up on blogs or DVR shows. Usually while enjoying a snack.
Tonight I ate chocolate-drizzled popcorn. Dirty little secrets.
I’d give you the recipe, but there is no recipe. Pop some popcorn, and drizzle it with chocolate. It was strangely good and satisfied my chocolate craving.
Now, on a more serious note, I have another dirty little secret to share. I read an article today entitled “The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto”. In case you aren’t aware, Monsanto is an agricultural biotechnology company who has 674 biotechnology patents on genetically modified seeds. They literally control America’s food chain and are responsible for contaminating the majority of our food crops with dangerous chemicals. Buying organic is the only way to ensure you aren’t eating food from genetically modified sources, as a food can’t get an organic label if is has GMO’s. This week, the leaders in the organic food industry have effectively given up the fight against Monsanto. Whole Foods, Inc. sent an email to their customers stating that “coexistence is a must”. Apparently, Whole Foods has its own dirty little secret: 2/3 of the food on their shelves have GMO’s. I urge you to read the article here and become informed about what is happening in our food industry. It is totally worth your time. In the mean time, continue to purchase organic foods to avoid eating dangerous GMO’s.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Lisa Wells
Yo-yo’s! How fun. My son loves yo-yo’s, though he’s not so great with actually using them (unless pretending they are a leash for his stuffed dog is considered “using”). LOL.
This post is great for so many reasons … the yo yos on the mantle, the ping pong pit stains, the popcorn, the Monsanto link … This is my new favorite blog!
Hey what do you know about Sprouts compared to Whole Foods? I usually shop there because it’s closer to us than Whole Foods and less expensive.
I loved this and Austin got a kick out of it too. Tim sure gets a workout from that ping pong league!!
I love that he has a yoyo collection! So random, yet awesome.
I put hot sauce on popcorn. Try it!
Ooh, hot sauce? Sounds interesting. I’ll have to try that on a night when I don’t have an insane chocolate craving.
Tim’s nerdy side is why I love him so much! Yo-yo, the best impressions I’ve ever seen, and sharing my love of watching old videos and pouring over high school photos are things I would add to the list.
Interesting talents Tim has! Your popcorn sounds amazing actually.
I fortunately (for my paycheck) don’t have a Whole Foods in our area. I’ll have to look into this research, though.
The closest Whole Foods is 30 minutes so I never shop there either. Unfortunately there is an equally expensive (and fabulous!) gourmet grocery store 2 minutes from our house.
There is such thing as professional Yo-Yo’ers! Our school had an assembly this week where a company called NED came to our school and taught character education through a very energetic man with amazing yo yo talents! Then they sold YoYo’s all week so all the older kids have been practicing all week. Tim would be proud!
I think Tim needs to think about doing this as a side job. At least he’d make some money off of his crazy obsession. 🙂