This is a simple and effective Chest and Back Workout you can do at home or at the gym using just dumbbells!
When it comes to strength training for women, it’s easy to neglect the chest and back. When we think about weight training, it’s safe to assume most women think about toning their arms, legs, and core, and forget about the rest of the body. Chest and back workout? Often an afterthought or skipped altogether.
This is a mistake.
Having a balanced approach to weight training is important for a number of reasons. Having an equally strong chest and back as your arms, legs, and core can help your body work synergistically and help you avoid injury.
Chest and back workouts can help you with your posture, balance, and will help with everyday activities. Whatever you want to do that requires strength, a stronger back and chest will help you with them.
So don’t neglect your back and chest when you’re strength training. We all love a good leg workout or Dumbbell Arm Workout, but remember, it’s all about balance! Here’s a quick and effective Chest and Back Workout you can do at home or the gym with just dumbbells.
This is a timed workout with three stations. I’ve included a video to show the core workout at each station. Grab your stopwatch and let’s go!
Chest and Back Workout
5-Minute Warm Up
V-up x 30 reps
Lay flat on your back with your arms straight out above you. Bring your arms and legs up to meet together. Repeat.
Superman x 20 reps
Lay flat on your stomach with your arms straight out in front of you. Pull your arms and legs away from the floor simultaneously and hold for 1 second. Relax arms and legs and then repeat.
Full Burpee x 10
Start standing up, then squat down and kick your legs out behind you into a push up position. Complete a push-up, then jump your legs back in and jump up. Repeat.
Repeat those three movements at the exact reps until 5 mins is up.
Now your body is ready for the real work!
There are 4 stations with 3 movements in each set. You’ll have 5 minutes to complete one set at a time.
Let’s start with set #1. Repeat all three movements until 5 minutes is up.
Station #1
Chest press on the floor x 15 Reps
Superman x 10 reps( hold each rep for 5 seconds)
Push ups x 15 reps
COMPLETE 100 mountain climbers after 5 mins is up and before you move onto station #2.
Station #2
Chest fly x12
Kneeling Superman x 20 (opposite leg & arm is one rep)
Push ups x 10
COMPLETE 100 jumping jacks after 5 mins is up and before you move onto station #3.
Station #3
Close grip chest press x 15
Push ups x 5
COMPLETE 100 crunches after 5 mins is up and before you move onto station #4
Station #4
1 chest press, 1 chest fly, 1 close grip chest press x 5
Plank hold 30 seconds
Push ups x 10
You did it! Now take some times to stretch for your cool down.
Thank you to Coach Dodds for writing this chest and back workout for the Happy Healthy Mama community! Follow him on Instagram for more workout inspiration. Tag him and Happy Healthy Mama on Insta if you try this workout and let us know what you think! Be sure to check out all my (free!) home workouts here.
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Don’t forget about your chest and back while working out for the other parts of the body. Women who spend time in the weight room building muscles in the upper body, lower body, and core should also spend time training the muscles of their chest and back.
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Thanks for the workout plan, Maryea!
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Today I am proud of myself because I did a good job and your workout is very cool! It happens that you find a workout, but you don’t like it at all and you finish it through force, but here it’s the other way around, the workout is over, and I didn’t have time to notice it! Class! I want to repeat it again! I am already close to the goal of the figure of my dreams, thank you for helping me with this!