This recipe for Baked Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal is healthy and simple to prepare!I hope everyone had a lovely long holiday weekend. For my non-American readers, I hope you had a lovely regular weekend. Either way, I took a mini-vacation from my blog, but I'm back with a hearty breakfast that is ...
Breakfast Recipes
Blueberry pie granola
My cereal cravings are baaaaack. I can go a long time without thinking about cereal and not missing it a bit. Then, without warning, I need some. I don't know if this current craving is pregnancy induced or not, because this happens even when I'm not pregnant. I suspect it has something to do ...
Nutty Apple Quinoa Breakfast
Most sources say that a pregnant woman needs around 70 grams of protein a day. Recently I've been reading a book that suggests it's better to get 80-100 grams a day. That's a lot of protein! When I kept track of what I ate for a day (What This Pregnant Mama Eats) I totaled 74 grams of protein. ...
Crockpot apple cinnamon bread pudding
Remember those crown-shaped princess sandwiches I made for Meghan's birthday party? As you can imagine, they created a lot of leftover bread. There's no way I was going to throw all that leftover bread away, so what's a girl to do? Make one of her favorite desserts--bread pudding! I think ...
First Day of School Muffins
I accidentally blinked and Meghan went from this: To this: How, exactly, did that happen? I know every parent says this, and it's become a bit of a cliche, but I can't help but wonder where the time went. It goes by so fast. My tiny, swaddled newborn became a little girl who started ...
Blackberry and Banana Stuffed French Toast
I've been in a serious breakfast rut lately with no signs of getting out. Day after day I have my same old oatmeal. It's good, but who wants to eat the same thing for breakfast every single day? Then something happened. I ran out of oats. Necessity breads innovation, so I was forced to create ...
Carrot Cake Smoothie
Things That Make Me Happy: 1. Checking tasks off of my to-do list. 2. A clean house. 3. When I have to wake Meghan up from her nap and she's still so sleepy she lets me rock her. 4. New clothes. 5. Finding fun home decorating ideas on Pinterest. (Can you say obsessed?) 6. ...
Veggie Pancakes
I know what you're thinking. I'm becoming a sneaky chef. First, I sneak vegetables into muffins, and now they're hiding in my pancakes. My intention is not to hide the vegetables from my daughter or my husband. But sometimes, you gotta do whatcha gotta do, know what I mean? It's not that ...
Goodness Bars
Since Meghan isn't eating as well lately, I've been dreaming up ways to get a bigger variety of foods into her. I don't want to become a "sneaky chef" type mom just yet, but I do think it's acceptable to get creative to get her eating more foods. If I offer her oatmeal, she'll sometimes eat it. ...
Everyday Whole Wheat Pancake Mix
I love to make homemade pancakes, but prefer the convenience of a mix. I've had a hard time finding a healthier mix that I really love, though. Most of the whole grain mixes I've tried create a pancake that is too dense and hearty. While I like a dense, hearty pancake once in a while, Tim laments ...
Strawberry Creme Fraiche Toast {Guest Post}
Today's post is from Rashmi from YumKid. Her blog is filled with tasty, kid-friendly recipes and so much more. She has two (adorable!) children and shares her wisdom on feeding them well. I'm honored to have her guest post for me today! I am always in awe of how things taste differently ...
Very Berry Whole Grain Mini-Muffins
In my last post when I gave you a peak into my fridge, there was one thing I didn't mention. Did any of you notice the random bakery box in the before picture of my the refrigerator? Here--look again: And what was inside the box? This is what makes its way into the house if I don't keep a ...