I’m posting my update my later than usual–did you think I was having the baby? No such luck. What kept me from posting was not giving birth, but just a busy, non-stop kind of day. I’m still pregnant as ever, as you can see.
How I’m Feeling
The obvious answer is very, very pregnant. You’ve heard people say to really pregnant women that they look “ready to pop”? That’s how I feel–like I’m going to pop any minute.
Other than the obvious, each day brings something different. I had a few nights of terrible sleep, and the next days were awful because I was so tired. Then I had a decent night’s sleep and felt much better. I don’t think I have the same energy level that I had last week, but I can’t say I am completely miserable either. I’m hanging in there.
What’s Happening with my Body
My weekly doctor’s appointment was anti-climatic. I somehow lost 2 pounds this week, though, putting my total weight gain at 29 pounds. Other than that, all signs are pointing to go. I have remained dilated to 3 cm for 2 weeks now. I have contractions daily. The baby seems to have dropped quite low. It feels like he could come out at any time. I’m just waiting.
We are still praying that he decides to come either this weekend or Tuesday so we can have my regular doctor. It is weird to think I could have another child so soon, though! You’d think after having one it wouldn’t feel so foreign, but it’s still hard for me to wrap my head around bringing another baby home.
This picture is mostly unrelated, except that it may just be the last picture taken of me while pregnant as it was taken just a few hours ago at a local Christmas light display. Here’s to hopin’!
wow, I cannot get over how skinny you still are full term!!! Except for the baby bump your body shows no sign of pregnancy!!! 🙂 LUCKY GIRL!!!!
Well I am playing catch up so I am thinking that you have probably had that beautiful boy by now 🙂
You look gorgeous! I keep checking your blog to see if you’ve had your baby yet 🙂 I’m so excited for you and your family just from following your blog. I hope everything goes wonderfully for you all!
It looks like you haven’t posted in a few days. Here’s hoping it means that the little guy made his appearance!
YEA!!! Hopefully your sweet baby comes soon!! 🙂 What a great christmas gift!
Fingers crossed for you guys!! I hope all goes smoothly – can’t wait to hear the good news of the newest addition to your family. And you look great!
Ohhh hopefully the little one will be making an appearance VERY soon! Do you have snacks that you plan on bringing for labor and postpartum? I am trying to decide, but feel like I am putting my kitchen in a bag! Have you made some lactation cookies?
Hi Jess-sorry for the late reply. I didn’t think of bringing my own food to the hospital. I just dealt with the hospital food. I wish I would have though to bring a few things though! I haven’t made lactation cookies. So far I haven’t needed any help in that area. Even with such a big baby, my supply is holding its own. 🙂 Hopefully it continues. *fingers crossed*
You’re so close! I can’t wait to read about it when it happens!
i’m praying for that too! this weekend would be a great little christmas present. YOu look great!!
You look so beautiful!
You look AMAZING! So beautiful. Enjoy the holiday… Who knows… Sometimes these boys just get comfy. He’s enjoying all the good eats you’re giving him. 🙂 Best wishes!
Fingers crossed that all goes well and you will give birth exactly how you plan to!!
You look great!! I love your maternity jeans, what brand are they? Well, he’ll be here before you know it…hang in there!
I’m sorry for the late reply–with a new baby in the house I’ve gotten behind on my comment replies. The maternity jeans are liz lange maternity from Target. I wore them almost everyday during my 3rd trimester! 🙂
Wow, you are still pregnant!!! Hang in there. Any day now…….. He may just want to share a birthday with Jesus. 🙂
I’ll cross my fingers baby makes an appearance this weekend!!
I know I have said this many times, but you look great!! You are the cutest pregnant woman I have seen!! You are all belly. 🙂 And, yes, you look like you are ready to POP! I pray your baby comes when your doctor is available, but those little buggers will come when they are good and ready. ;(
You definitely look different! I noticed you’ve dropped before I started reading. Yay! Getting closer and closer. Don’t they say losing weight can be a sign of labor too? I never noticed that with myself, but I have heard that. Wishing you all the best! 😀
That is a huge idea to wrap your head around- another child, YOUR child, will be gracing your household. It’s a big thing!!!
SOoo happy for you and will say some prayers that you will get to have your doctor and that all goes well!
Go to bed!!! 🙂
Juging by those photos this baby is ready to make an appearance any minute! Get some rest and good luck on the big day!
Fingers crossed that it happens soon, Maryea. XO