I distinctly remember back in the summer months wishing the weeks of my pregnancy away. Now I’m ready to slow them down, just a little bit. Each week seems to fly by and I can’t help but feel I could use a little more time.
In true pregnant woman fashion, I simultaneously am so very excited to finally meet this baby and not be pregnant anymore. Don’t you love the contradiction of emotions pregnancy brings?
I can’t wait to hold my baby!
Wait! I need more time!
How I’m Feeling
I woke up Sunday morning with cold symptoms. Coming off of a sleepless night and battling a runny/stuffy nose, I wanted to do nothing but lay on the couch, so I sent Tim and Meghan off to church without me. Even though I wasn’t feeling well, that was a bad decision as I hate starting off my week without church.
The rest of the week I was just in a funk. The cold was minor and by Thursday it was mostly gone, but I still didn’t have my usual energy and upbeat attitude. I felt exhausted, irritable, and stressed out. I hate to be such a downer in my update, but this is how I felt most of the week.
What’s Happening with My Body
I had a doctor’s appointment this week (I’m going every two weeks now). It went well. My blood pressure is still good, urine tested out fine, and Baby Bean’s heartbeat was strong.
After I was weighed I realized I miscalculated my weight gain at my last appointment. I thought I’d gained 2 pounds, when it was actually 4 pounds for a total of 24 pounds as of 33 weeks. In the last two weeks I gained another 3 pounds (!!), so I am officially up to a 27 pound weight gain. It will be interesting to see if I make it to the 35 pounds I gained with Meghan.
Exercise and Nutrition
From the “How I’m Feeling” section, you may have been able to surmise that this week didn’t include a lot of exercise. If so, you were correct. I’m sure that only elevated the problem with my mood. I’ve been on such an exercising roller coaster this pregnancy. Some weeks I feel ultra motivated and do fantastic, and then other weeks, like this one, it takes everything I have just to get my regular day-to-day tasks done. (This explains why this is only my third blog post this week. Sorry, guys.)
I hope to report back next time with a more exercise-filled week and my usual upbeat attitude to go with it!
I can say that even when I’m feeling less than stellar, my diet is still strong. I have been very cognizant of what I’m putting in my body and choosing nutrient-dense foods that will be best for my baby’s development. I’ve found I have a ton of cravings for all kinds of foods, especially when I’m reading other food blogs, but they usually pass. Mostly I’m just eating my regular diet (with more meat than usual).
Thanks for following along my pregnancy journey and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Good Article, May God give very good health to you!
i have a Q about your weight gain. about 2mo ago, we started eating mostly vegan (we still eat eggs) & have lost a ton of weight. that was not the goal but it has just happened. i am pg now & am a little concerned about gaining weight. i eat when i am hungry, i don’t deprive myself of food, just processed food (if you can call that deprevation). just wondering if you had to do something special (other than eat more) in order to gain weight for your pregnancy. thanks! love your blog!
No, I didn’t do anything special to gain weight, but I do not follow a vegan diet. Right now I’d say I’m eating meat 3 times a week. Like you, I eat when I’m hungry and don’t deprive myself, which is the key. I think you can definitely gain a healthy amount of weight eating a mostly vegan diet as long as you are eating enough calories. Be cognizant of your protein and iron intake, too. If I was eating mostly vegan during my pregnancy, I’d definitely be tracking those two things to ensure I was getting enough each day. Good luck with your pregnancy! 🙂
Your pregnancy is going by so fast! In total I gained about the same weight as you with my daughter, but after like 25 weeks I stopped counting because I didn’t want to know :-). I can’t wait for that little bundle of joy!! 🙂
Sometimes it’s better to just not know, then you can just listen to your body and eat intuitively without a thought of how much you weigh. You’re a smart girl. 🙂
You look great Maryea!!! I hope I look as good as you when I am that far along (only 9.5 weeks for me).
P.S. How do you pronounce your name? I ask because when I see it I think Mar (rhymes with car)-e-ah. I love that name so much that if I have a girl I want to name her Maryea. 🙂
My name is pronounced like the traditional spelling of Mariah. Rarely does anyone read it and pronounce it correctly. 🙂
Congrats on your pregnancy!
Good for you keeping up with healthy eating even during a rough week. I hope the next one (and today) is so much better for you!
Thank you, Sarah!
You are awesome, and you look so beautiful! I am sorry that this past week was a funky week for you. Just remember that it is time to slow down and prepare for that beautiful baby. If you only get three posts up then so be it. We will enjoy all three with total understanding 🙂
You are so sweet, Helen. Thank you!
Thinking of you Maryea and hoping that you have a relaxing weekend and feeling better. Not much longer now……:)
Thank you, Amy. I think this is going to be a better week! 🙂
Sorry it was a rough week! Hope your energy gets better this next week. I can tell my mood is always worse when I don’t exercise regularly… I love/need those endorphins to keep the grouch away.
Aw, sorry you weren’t feeling so well this week, but I know exactly how you feel, and sometimes that’s just how it is. Especially near the end, things can be so tough and being sick is never fun, especially not now! I hope you start feeling better. You certainly still look amazing! And you should be super proud of your diet, this is when most women “treat” themselves the most I think and you’re doing awesome for baby and yourself!
You look beautiful Maryea!!! I’m sorry you weren’t feeling awesome this week and hope it gets better! I know the end weeks must be tough.
I can only imagine how hard the last few weeks are! So nervous and excited at the same time! You look great as always and I hoe you get your energy back over the weekend! Rest up. 🙂
Those last few weeks, the baby must take so much from the mommy- you’re such a giver 🙂 …..The needing more time and the pure excitment from the thought of holding the little one must be a trip.
I hope you get over the sickness and are able to enjoy the last few weeks of having baby bean inside.