I’m starting to lose track of the weeks. As I was trying to type in the title, I couldn’t remember how far along I am. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but the weeks are starting to blend together.
Now that I’ve got it straight and I know I’m 24 weeks, let’s talk about how we measure the length of a pregnancy. I never thought about it until I actually was pregnant the first time, but it’s really odd.
Everyone refers to pregnancy as being 9 months long, right? So if I am 24 weeks, you’d assume that I’m 6 months pregnant. BUT, if you look at pregnancy in terms of weeks, 40 weeks is considered a full pregnancy, which is actually 10 months, not 9 months. So am I 5 months pregnant or 6 months pregnant? If you’re going by the 9 month model, I guess I’m 5 months since I’m due in (a little less than) 4 months. If you go by the 10 month model, then I’m 6 months pregnant. Confused yet?
How I’m Feeling
Overall, I’m still feeling well. I don’t always sleep great, so I’ve fallen back into the habit of taking a short nap in the afternoon. I set my alarm for 30 minutes so I don’t wake up feeling groggy and it helps get me through the afternoon slump.
A minor complaint is I wake up each more feeling really congested. I’ve read this is common in pregnancy as hormonal changes can cause swelling in the mucus membranes of your nose and nasal passageways. Fun.
Speaking of hormones, I still feeling like I’m riding on an emotional roller coaster. I really hope things settle down in the next few weeks so I can stop feeling so weepy. I hate not being able to control my emotions and knowing I could start crying at any moment from any trigger. Like when standing in the aisle at Barnes and Noble. Not that that happened or anything.
What’s Going on with my Body
If you were to look at those descriptions of women’s body types you see in magazines, my regular, non-pregnant body probably most closely resembles the “boyish figure”. I’m not a particularly curvy woman and I’ve most definitely never been described as voluptuous. I’m missing one star asset for that description. (Well, maybe two star assets, if you want to get technical.)
Because of this, I am embracing the curves this pregnancy gives me. Instead of getting upset as I outgrow my bras and underwear, I look at it as an opportunity to enjoy being in the more “womanly” body-type category.
My body is definitely continuing to grow. And grow. And grow. I’ll admit that I do weigh myself in between doctor visits. I don’t report my weight every week because that would seem like I’m obsessing over it (I’m not) and body weight can fluctuate so much it makes more sense to take a once-a-month reading as more accurate. That being said, the scale is telling me I’m up 20 pounds. It is what it is and like I said, I’m embracing this more curvy version of normal self.
Random Reflections
It’s easy to forget what it’s like to have a newborn in the house. Meghan’s day is so predictable. She goes to bed at 8:30 and sleeps until 8-8:30 just about every day. She takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon. Lately I’ve been remembering how different life was when she was a newborn and trying to mentally prepare for this life change. I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do, but I want to be ready for the transition from having one to two children.
I want to be ready and I want Meghan to be ready. She’s used to being the center of our universe. Her world is going to be rocked when another member is added to our family, and one that takes up so much of our time and energy. In the coming weeks, I’ll be reflecting on how to best prepare myself, Tim, and Meghan for the changes that are coming.
With that, I will leave you to enjoy your Labor Day weekend. I hope everyone has fun with friends and family!
Maryea,you DON’T have to be a particularly curvy woman or even voluptuous for that matter in order to be BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m also 24 weeks pregnant now & I can totally relate to the emotional roller coaster. And I can believe that I have 4 months to go…
You are looking beautiful. I am visiting your blog first time but the way you have explained 24 week pregnancy is brilliant. i am in 22 week, i got some useful tips from you.
Wow, my son sleeps from 8:30-6am , and naps for about an hour or two a day. You have it good!! Could you maybe write out what your daughter’s daily “schedule” looks like, Maybe I can get some tips on how to get mine to sleep in later 🙂
Hmmm…maybe I will. I don’t feel like a “sleep authority” at all, but maybe I can just give ideas about what I did/do with Meghan. 🙂
You look incredible!! And I have to make those beet chips…yum!!!
The reason it’s 40 weeks not 36 is because most months have 30-31 days in them, not 28, i.e. most months are more like 4.5 weeks instead of 4 weeks (all but February). As for congestions, I am in the southwestern Ohio area and the pollen levels/allergies have been out of control for everyone this past month, so it could just be that for you! I am so sick of blowing my nose….
Hmmm…that makes sense. I always thought it was because you count the weeks from the time you start you last menstrual cycle, not when you conceive. That only accounts for 2 extra weeks, though. Either way, it’s still confusing to me! 😉
You look amazing 🙂
I get confused by the week/month thing, too. Which means that usually, when someone asks how far along I am, I just tell them the weeks. I have a hard time translating into months!
I always say the weeks, too! I honestly don’t know if I am 5 months or 6 months pregnant right now. Or somewhere in between. 😉
Woah! Meghan sleeps 12 hours at night and 2-3 for nap?!?! I am so jealous! My toddler sleeps maybe 9-10 hours at night with still waking up at least once and 2ish hours for a nap. I’m afraid about having our second baby. I may never sleep again!
Well, I should clarify and say she’s in her bed for 12 hours at night. She usually takes a long time to fall asleep. Tonight for example, she was in bed at 8:30 but didn’t fall asleep until 9:45. She just lays there and sings/talks to herself. I feel bad, but even if we put her down later she takes the same amount of time to fall asleep. I guess she just needs some time to wind down at night.
Are you expecting #2?
Still, the fact that she stays in her bed while waiting to fall asleep is amazing. Jacob would never do that. Sigh.
Yes, we are expecting #2! 🙂
Oh, I’m about 9 weeks, I think. Haven’t been to the doctor yet!
Congrats!! I hope you have an easy pregnancy, especially first trimester. 🙂
You look beautiful!! I am so glad things are going well for you.
You are lookin great little mama! Love the pic of Meghan coloring….one of my favorite things to do with the kiddos 🙂
I’ve been reading your pregnancy updates and while I haven’t posted yet I’ve been meaning to. Thank you for your candid blog about your experience with miscarriage. It helped to encourage me in our quest for a second child after a miscarriage. Happily, I just passed over the 12 week mark and am optimistic yet still anxious about this pregnancy! I’m shaking my head at your little one’s sleep routine. Lucky, lucky, lucky! My just turned 3 year old goes to bed between 8:30/9 and is up by 6:30. Rarely does she nap and if she does then she doesn’t fall asleep until 9/9:30. I somehow drew the short straw in the amount of sleep my little one needs 🙂 I too am struggling how I will function on nursing during the night and the lack of sleep that it all entails with a newborn. Somehow it will all work out but those were tired days for sure with a newborn 🙂
Congrats on making it past the 12 week mark! I remember that being the biggest relief ever with this pregnancy. I still get anxious, though, even at 24 weeks. I don’t think I’ll actually breathe easy until I have a healthy baby in my arms.
As for Meghan’s sleep routine, she takes a long time to fall asleep at night. We put her in bed at 8:30, but she doesn’t fall asleep until 9:30 or even 10:00 some nights. It doesn’t matter if we put her down later, she just takes a long time to fall asleep at night. Luckily, though, she just lies in her bed quietly, usually singing or talking to herself until she falls asleep.
Looking great! I just had #3 and mine are all exactly 2 yrs apart. The best thing I did for my oldest was for him to do Independent Playtime each day. This was very helpful when #2 came along. It was already part of his routine and it gave me time to tend to little brother. HTH!
I need to get back into independent play time. We used to do pack n play time for 30 minutes a day, and then we transitioned to room time. It was going well, but I stopped when we started potty training. Then we moved and I said I’d get back into the groove after the move transition, but I never started it back up. I think I’ll have to add it to her day on non-preschool days so it’s a part of her routine before December. Thanks for the inspiration to start again!
You’re looking great, as always! I remember feeling incredibly guilty when we had our second son. We waited three years to have him because I didn’t want my older son to feel “gipped” out of any attention but I still felt guilty. My older son handled the transition great though, and today the two of them are great friends. (Most of the time.) 🙂 Kids are so resilient, and usually handle change much better than their grown ups! I bet Meghan will handle it like a champ.