If you’re anything like me, you start to worry a little when certain holidays come around. While I love Easter and celebrate with joy the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the candy aspect of it makes me cringe. It’s not so much that I mind allowing my children special treats on these holidays, it’s just that those special treats are filled with harmful ingredients I’d rather not have them put into their bodies.
Besides the sugar, standard Easter candy you can buy at any supermarket is filled with artificial dyes, high-fructose corn syrup, genetically modified soy ingredients, unhealthy oils, and chemical preservatives that can be detrimental for developing children to consume.
My compromise is to allow them (well, at this point just Meghan, Luke won’t have any candy this year) to have sugar-filled treats, but make sure I purchase natural treats that are not filled with harmful ingredients.
The first Easter I decided to allow Meghan to have candy (for the first time in her life) she was 2 1/2 and I discovered naturalcandystore.com. They have a wide selection of natural candy that is free from artificial dyes, corn syrup, artificial flavors, preservatives, or hydrogenated oils. You can find vegan candy, organic candy, and candy that is top 8 allergen free if allergies are an issue for your children.
Just so you know, I’m not affiliated with this company in any way. I’m not being paid for this post; they don’t even know I exist except that I am a customer. I just want to share an alternative for those of you who feel the same way I do about filling my children’s body with the least harmful ingredients possible.
Here’s a peek at what I purchased for my family’s Easter baskets this year:
Organic milk crunch’n bunny
Organic & Fair Trade Milk Chocolate Bunnies
Vegan “Milk” Chocolate Baby Bunny
We are definitely more chocolate people, but I felt like I should get some jelly beans. 🙂 Yes, getting organic natural candy is more expensive, but totally worth it to me.
I hope this posts inspires and/or helps some of you with your Easter candy shopping. Have a great weekend!
Way to go Mom!! Lovely ideas and I’m right there with you. Thanks for posting, I think I’ll be making myself a basket too! Looks yummy.
What a great post! And I totally agree with you–chocolate is way better than jelly beans. I want a vegan milk chocolate bunny in my belly right now! YUM 🙂
Yes, we just picked up a dairy free chocolate bunny for my son! I was thankful that whole foods had them. And FYI, whole foods always has natural jelly beans for a decent price in the bulk section!
Would you believe I’ve never been to Whole Foods? I just have never had one in the neighborhoods I shop. I believe there is one 20-25 minutes from where I live now, but I never go to the town where it’s located. I do have a great local grocery store that is similar to Whole Foods (from what I’ve heard…) but it does not carry natural candy. So that’s why I order mine online. 🙂
Thank you for this! I think my 19-month old is still a little young for candy but this will be great for special treats when she’s a little older. I’ve been sugar-free for a few years myself and recently developed dairy/egg/peanut allergies so I just might have to order a few things for myself in the meantime. Thanks!