Thank you all for entering to win the Healthy Habits Kids Plate! I loved reading about all the different vegetables your children enjoy. My readers have some great veggie eaters!
I used to choose a winner at random and the lucky gal is entrant #10, Linsday from Lindsay said that her son’s favorite vegetable is cucumbers. Congratulations, Lindsay! I hope Carter enjoys his plate.
I recently discovered Lindsay’s blog and I encourage you all to check it out. It is a highlight of her journey losing over 100 pounds in the last year through healthy eating and exercise. What an inspiration!
Lindsay, please email me with your information at [email protected] so I can send your information on to Amy at Super Healthy Kids.
The rest of you should head over to Super Healthy Kids to snag a plate for your little one. They’re only $4.99 and Meghan loves hers!
Come on back later today as I’m going to have a delicious recipe for you all. Here’s a little hint of what’s to come:
You won’t be disappointed! Happy Monday!
Oh darn, I missed it! I meant to enter. The plate is super cool. I just asked Addie what her fav veggie is and she replied carrots. AJ’s fav is squash so far. I have done very well this time and you will be pleased to know that I am making all my own food for AJ. I have a recipe book called “Baby Love” and it has great recipes. I am having lots of fun making his food!
Good for you! 🙂 I have seen Baby Love in the store. I’ll have to check it out. You should buy one of the plates anyway. They’re only $4.99 and Meghan loves hers! Addie will love it. I’m trying to teach Meghan about having to fill up the big part with all her fruits and veggies.
I’m excited for the recipe! I love chocolate!!!
I’m so happy! What a nice way to start my day 🙂 Thanks so much Maryea! And I can’t wait for that recipe – is that chocolate cake? Yum!! Looks so delicious!