This is really happening. In 6 short weeks, give or take, our little family of three is going to expand to a family of four. My emotions range from overwhelming excitement and joy to complete anxiety. Mostly, I am 100% grateful that God blessed me with this pregnancy and am trying to enjoy the last weeks having my son as connected to me as he’ll ever be.
How I’m Feeling & What’s Going on with my Body
Physically, I’m feeling the same. Each week it becomes more evident just how pregnant I am and how my body, despite my protests, is slowing down. I can’t walk as quickly, it’s much more difficult to carry Meghan (not that she needs to be carried….), and getting comfortable doesn’t happen very often.
Keeping all of that in mind, I can’t complain one bit. I have a decent amount of energy, even when I don’t get a good night’s sleep. Sure, I’m tired by the end of the day, but I know it could be much worse.
Getting Prepared for Baby’s Arrival
Recently, one of my good friends had her baby 6 weeks early. I realize that even though there are no indications that Baby Bean is going to make an early appearance, it could happen. I need to be ready.
The nursery is finally looking like a baby’s room. Although it’s in obvious need of some decorative touches, the basic bones are in place. We have diapers and wipes and some clothes (that still need to be washed).
My Christmas shopping officially started this week. I made a small dent. My original goal was to have it finished by Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, though! How did that happen? I still think my goal is attainable.
Another thing I want to do (but haven’t yet) is make and freeze some different foods to have on hand after the birth. I especially want to have some of Meghan’s favorite snacks, like high protein energy balls (aka peanut butter balls around here) or homemade Larabars. I’ve never tried to freeze these, but I think it’d work well. That way I won’t be tempted to buy processed snacks for her when I’m too tired to get in the kitchen because I’ve been up all night with a newborn.
Other things I still need to do:
- Finish reading up on natural childbirth (I am currently reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way and ordered this book on the recommendation of a friend)
- Get a tour of the maternity ward at hospital (we are going this Sunday) where I’ll give birth
- Oh, yeah, and choose a name for this child!
The Big Sister
It’s difficult to tell how much Meghan processes when it comes to my pregnancy. She knows that “Baby Brother” is coming at Christmas time, but does she really know what that means? I have no idea.
The other day I was putting lotion on my stomach and she said, “You’re putting lotion on Baby Brother”. I told her that actually, I was putting lotion on my stomach and that Baby Brother was inside of me. She looked at me quizzically and didn’t respond. I guess she thinks my protruding belly is Baby Brother.
I am just trying to prepare her as much as I can for the way her world is going to change. She’s not used to having to share Mommy’s attention with anyone except Daddy (and vice versa).
Now she is going to have another little person, who is going to take a lot of our attention, to contend with. I just pray that doesn’t cause her to act out. She’s a very loving, sweet girl and I hope that transfers to her role as big sister. If you have any tips to make the transition smooth, I’d love to hear them!
oh are you going to give us a hint on the name?? So exciting and so SOON!
We currently have 18 names on our list. 18. Time to narrow it down!!
ooooh you are looking so beautiful 🙂 God’s blessings for the final stretch! I am sure Meghan will enjoy her little brother – she already knows she is loved and nurtured and that’s a great starting point 🙂 Our little boys have a similar age difference. During the pregnancy and even now we refer to the youngest as “our baby”. “At Christmas time we are getting a baby for our family”. “Come and have a look darling, our baby has come and he is a little boy”. 12 months down the track our eldest still refers to “our baby” more readily than saying “my little brother”. Another thing I found that helped is when our eldest came to see me in the hospital for his first visit I wasn’t holding the baby. Instead I welcomed Mr Toddler into my arms, reunited with kisses and then asked if he wanted to see our baby. Together we went to the cot and then we all had cuddles. We bought/made gifts for the baby while I was pregnant and then Mr Toddler brought them to the hospital as that was his “job”. Miraculously, the baby also had a fantastic present for his brother 😉 I hope some of this helps you discover what may help……
Great tips–thank you!! 🙂 I love the idea of using the terminology “our baby”. I’m using that right away.
I love that picture of Meghan looking up at “baby brother” — so cute! I’m sure Meghan will do fine with sharing the attention because it will be exciting for her too! My brother & I are 5 years apart. My mom has always said I was never excited about having a little baby brother but once he came I loved helping her take care of him. Of course, I was a little older than Meghan but I think she’ll like helping out with him too. 🙂 So excited for you guys!
Aww, you’re getting so close!! Not long now 😀 I know exactly what you mean with Meghan not getting it. My son finally gets it this time now that he’s 4, he didn’t really understand last time though. I’m sure Meghan will do fine with a new baby. The funny thing is, I knew my son would be fine when we had my daughter but now that I’m having another I’m not so sure my daughter will be fine with having a baby in the house just because she’s so used to being the baby. But I know she’ll adapt pretty quickly if she has to and I know she’ll love helping with the baby – she’s already getting practice helping with her cousin that’s only 2 months old. I don’t think there’s much you can do now, but when the baby gets here just be sure to spend enough time one-on-one with her and include her in everything you do with the baby that way she wont feel left out.
Yes, I definitely have thought about how I can make time for 1-on-1 time with Meghan after the baby gets here. I’ve heard that can be tough so I will make sure to prioritize it!
Seeing those little baby boy clothes made my uterus ache for just a second! I can’t believe there is just six weeks left. My older son Cameron adjusted very well when his little brother arrived. We read lots of books about a new baby coming, talked a lot about it, and the day he was born we gave him a big brother gift. We tried to make him feel special too so this new baby didn’t get ALL the attention. When home we included him on everything and praised him for being a good helper, but if he didn’t want to, that was okay too. One on one time and special outings with either Dad or me seemed to help a lot too.
I’m going to have to get her a big sister gift for sure. Great idea!
I don’t have much advice. Our daughter had a little bit of a ‘oh this has been fun, but now it’s time to take him back to the hospital’ attitude. 🙂 Somedays I think she’d still be happy to take him back to the hospital (he’s 3). You’ll handle it wonderfully and figure it out as it comes.
My daughter really enjoyed all the attention she got from her dad and grandparents when I was tending to the baby. Plus, she got to watch way more Dora than she did before becoming a big sister.
If the new baby=more TV time, Meghan will definitely be happy! 🙂
Sooooo exciting!! It’s the best. We had Ryan bring Lily a gift, when she came back the next day there was a baby doll and medical supplies for her from him. She still plays with the stethoscope all the time. Also let her hold him on the boppy whenever she asks. It priceless to see her face and maybe she will sing to him. Our nurse let her help give him his very first bath and touch his head. Those are some things that stand out to me. Enjoy these last few (I mean several:)) weeks!
Hearing about all those special big sister moments gets me so excited to see Meghan will her baby brother. I love the idea of having a gift from the baby to Meghan. She’ll love that! Thanks for your feedback.
We did not name Gavin until we saw him. We had narrowed it down to 2 names but had not settled on one until we saw him.
All of our older kids adjusted very well. The only thing I wouls say is to include them in all things baby. Ours watched everything from diaper changes to nursing. They would sit right next to me on the couch or bed or wherever I was.
We really need to work on at least narrowing down our list. Currently it has 17 names. No joke!
Yea. It’s so hard to understand what they understand. Then, baby comes and they are like “oh…how cool”. Then “wait…it doesn’t go BACK in the belly? Noooo!!!” Still happening too. 😉
I can totally see Meghan telling me to bring the baby back to the hospital or something like that. 🙂 Should be interesting!
I’m sure Meghan will be the best big sister ever! She will quickly adapt so don’t worry! My sister just had her second boy a month ago and her 1st son is just amazing with him! Loves him so much!
I’m so excited to see them together! 🙂
I keep my protein peanut butter ball in the freezer at all times- seriously, I never go without them… They keep *really* well, just like frozen cookie dough! 🙂 I am giving my sister a double batch for her birthday to keep in the freezer….. I wish I could make some and ship them to you and Meghan! 🙂
Good to know–thank you, Julie!
6 weeks? Wow! I’ve been following along and that seemed to go so quickly! I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that. 😉 We had that same little reindeer-footed sleeper for our daughter last winter, and it was one of my favorites!
It the beginning I felt like it went by soooo slowly, but now it’s going by crazy fast. I’m hoping the little guy makes it by Christmas to wear those jammies. They are so cute. 🙂