Last week, I asked you to take a survey. I hoped to gain insight into what you like and dislike about Happy Healthy Mama and how I can make it the best blog it can be. I’ve gone through times during the last 4+ years I’ve been blogging of putting more and less effort into this space. Life ebbs and flows and this blog has been a reflection of that. Right now, I’m all in. I am focused and determined to make this blog all that it has the potential to be. Blogging is hard and sometimes lonely work. Reading your responses was motivating, inspiring, and so very insightful for me. Thank you for giving me a spring board for moving forward with Happy Healthy Mama.
One big thing I learned through this survey was that I’m never going to please everyone. There were lots of contradictory answers. Stop writing about your kids! I love it when you write about your kids–do it more! Ummm….okay? You are so sweet! You are condescending. Fair enough? So while I learned that there is no pleasing each and every reader with every post I do, I need to continue to write from my heart. And that’s exactly what I plan to do. Here’s a look at some of the results from the survey:
How long have you been reading Happy Healthy Mama?
Lots of new and new-ish readers! I’m glad you are here!
Do you have a blog? 
This was interesting to learn about. I suspected I had a majority non-blogging readers because of the amount of comments I get (or don’t get) in relation to my page views. Bloggers tend to comment more.
How often do you prefer to see posts on Happy Healthy Mama?
Pretty easy to please!
How do you feel about the following topics on Happy Healthy Mama?
of you were positive about healthy recipes. (To the 1 person who doesn’t like healthy recipes on HHM, you may have landed in the wrong place…)
of you like or love seeing fitness posts on Happy Healthy Mama.
of you like or love reading about parenting topics on Happy Healthy Mama.
of you like or love it when I write about nutrition.
of you like or love to see posts about natural living.
of you enjoy product reviews.
of you like or love sponsored posts (and another 53% of you think they are okay).
What topics would you like to see featured on Happy Healthy Mama?
This is just a sampling of answers. I loved reading your ideas!
What are some other blogs you read?
You all have great taste in blogs! I read a lot of these already and found some new ones thanks to you!
Thanks again for taking the time to complete the survey. If you didn’t get a chance but want me to know something, I love comments. You can comment on any post and let me know your thoughts! Have a great weekend, friends.
we have a stunning selection of Ludhiana as well as international beauty.
nice and oen
well and dones
Thanks good blog
good comments
Thanks for the good critique. I & my friend were just preparing to do a little research about this.
I love reading surveys like this! They are so interesting for newish bloggers like myself. I’ll be checking in for healthy recipes…..need all the help I can get =) Meal planning with a family gets me down!
I loved your survey. And your awesome. One last question on your survey you forgot. Should hhm be more wild… Yes ,yes U should. All said in positive light.
Noted. Need to show my wild side more! 😉
I did love completing the survey, and you’re very welcome!
This is cool and helpful for new bloggers to actually see how all this blogging thing works 🙂 thanks for sharing
You’re welcome!