A plugged duct or a sore spot on your breast may be the first sign that you are trying to do too much. You would be well-advised to heed this warning and get lots of extra rest for a few days after you’ve experienced a plugged duct.
-The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Last week I had my tenth plugged milk duct since Luke was born. This time, however, the painful red spot didn’t subside after a day. I felt flu-like symptoms coming on. I couldn’t ignore the clear warnings my body was sending anymore. The plugged duct progressed into mastitis (a breast infection).
I am on antibiotics and the infection cleared quickly. I know, however, that it won’t stay away unless something changes. On any given day, my list of things to do looks something like this:
- Read scripture/complete Bible Study
- Make breakfast
- Clean up after breakfast
- Get Meghan dressed, teeth brushed, etc.
- Drive Meghan to preschool
- One or more cleaning tasks (depending on the day: dust, vacuum, toilets, etc)
- One or more blogging tasks (answer emails, respond to comments, take and edit pictures, write and edit posts, etc.)
- One or more household management tasks (meal planning, grocery shopping, organizational tasks, etc.)
- Laundry, laundry, and more laundry
- Pick Meghan up from preschool
- Prepare lunch
- Clean up after lunch
- Prepare snacks
- Clean up after snack preparation
- Put Luke down for naps (X 3-4)
- Feed Luke (X 6)
- Play with Meghan
- Play with Luke
- Run/exercise
- Prepare dinner
- Help Tim clean up after dinner
- Bathe Luke
- Bathe Meghan
- Put Luke to bed
- Put Meghan to bed
- Spend quality time with Tim/focus on my marriage
Doing all of these things is so much more manageable when I’m well-rested, which I’m not right now. Luke is either going through the typical 4-month sleep regression I hear other moms talk about, or he is having difficulty sleeping because of his digestion issues. (And we didn’t get much insight at his GI appointment, unfortunately) Either way, he’s up every 2-3 hours at night, which of course means I’m up every 2-3 hours at night. I’m a sleeper. I love sleep. I need sleep. So my current sleep debt is taking its toll.
I tell you all of this not to complain or as an attempt to garner your sympathy. I know I’m not the first or only mom who has a lot to do and tries to do it on little sleep. I will survive. What I have figured out, however, is that
something’s gotta give.
I wish I could be Super Mom and do it all on a few hours of broken sleep, but I can’t. So this is my lengthy way of telling you that I’m stepping back from the blog for now. I just need a little time to get my head above water.
I’m not going to completely disappear and I promise you, I will be back. For now, however, I can’t put the time into posts that I would like, and the last thing I want is to provide watered-down, not-my-best work just for the sake of posting something.
I can’t say how long this break is going to last. It may be one week or it may be three weeks. I hope not longer, but maybe longer. In the meantime, I will be seeking out guest posters (please email me if you are interested!) with quality posts so there will be some new content when I’m not creating my regular posts.
I will be doing some blog work, but it will be mostly behind the scenes. I never have time to do behind-the-blog work when I’m trying to create new recipes and write posts, so during this break from that I will get some tasks done that have been on the back burner for ages. I have a fun blog makeover already in the works, so be ready for a new look coming soon!
My biggest fear is that I will lose you, my readers, by stepping back for a time. All I can do is hope that you’ll have confidence in me and know that when I come back, I will be able to provide better recipes and better posts. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I love blogging and adore my community of readers. I’ll be back soon!
I like to pretend that I can handle everything too, but something always gives….I have had to take several blog breaks too!!! Hope all is going well!!
You are amazing for doing all that you do…I completely understand the need to step back from blogging as I feel that way all the time.
Breastfeeding is unbelievably hard…kudos to you for taking it on. I wish you loads of luck with everything and hope you get some good sleep soon!
Thank you, Ameena. I’m still waiting on the sleep thing, but other than that things are going well.
Hi, I just discovered your blog and I’m so sorry for the breast feeding issues! I am breast feeding my third right now and have had my share of issues, but good job on sticking with it to see what else can be bothering your son! My eight month old had colic very bad, but once I went off dairy, caffeine and gassy vegetables he was much better. My other two I just had to go off of dairy. I am glad you had an appt with a lactation consultant, La Leche League is wonderful as well. How old is your son? Is he on solids yet? Also, maybe feed him every two hours versus three during the day to maybe help the nit time feelings. Hope that helps – would love to talk if you need to about breast feeding!
Hi Casey–Luke is 21 weeks. He won’t really eat every 2 hours during the day. Sometimes he won’t even feed for very long after 3 hours. He eats much better at night. Go figure. 😉 We haven’t started solids yet. I don’t plan to start until 6 months. I figure his digestive system is even more fragile than the typical baby, so I want to give it plenty of time to mature. The one thing I haven’t totally cut out is caffeine and I know I should. If only I wasn’t so tired!! I only drink one cup of coffee a day and I really need that cup. 🙂 Thanks for your stopping by and for your feedback!
I hear ya! I love working on my blog but working full-time and being a mom and trying to maintain a minimum of me time is just very tiring….and I don’t even have a second one yet! I’ll be reading whenever you have new posts up.
Hang in there Maryea…you’re a great mom and strong woman. You can do it!
Thanks, Tracy! Hopefully my little man will get back on track soon. Everything is so much easier when I’m well-rested!
What, you’re NOT super mom?? Boy you had me fooled for awhile. 😉 I was feeling bad that I can barely keep up with my email, the house and 1 child and there you are with 2 kids and a blog and everything else, doing just fine. 🙂 Kidding aside, I’m glad to hear that you are putting family first and taking a break from the blog. We’ll be here whenever you return! (My husband recently asked when we were going to do another of your recipes – he’s loved all that we’ve tried so far). By the way, I also had constant issues with plugged ducts until my midwife suggested Lecithin capsules. You can buy them at any health food store. She had me take 3 (1200mg) capsules 3x a day for 2 weeks then if I had no plugs reduce to 2x a day for 2 wks, etc. It worked for me. You may also want to see a Lactation Consultant or local La Leche League. I’ve found both to be super helpful on my breastfeeding journey. 🙂 Good luck to you and God bless your family!!
Thanks for the the insight on plugged ducts. I am going to meet with a LC and will ask about the Lectithin capsules.
Yes, listen to your body – get well soon!
It is sad to hear you are ill and are taking time off. I will miss your posts but completely understand. My son had gi issues and he screamed 12 hours straight for months on end. Your health and his health have to come first. Please let me know if you need some support with the gi issues. It is different for everyone. I did a total elimination diet for 2 weeks just to confirm it was a food issue. From there we cut all dairy and soy. Ultimately we did neocate formula for 1 week (pumping to keep my supply) and that helped him (I think it was the probiotics and new gut flora). We are still off milk and soy but he is finally digesting his food and gaining weight. If you need to talk I am here. I know even my friends don’t understand how it is with his issues. We have since gone back to breast and finger foods. You can do what you need todo for him. I know one woman who eats only 6 things for her son.
Hi April,
I have been off of dairy for 10 weeks now and soy for 6 weeks. Just this last week I eliminated all of the top 8 allergens. This is hard, but it will be worth it if it helps.
I have considered trying formula for a week to see if that makes a difference. Did your supply keep up with exclusively pumping? I’d hate to lose my supply. How did he take the formula? Our pediatrician warned that the specialized formula is very stinky and many babies don’t take it well.
I was religious about drinking mother milk tea while we did the formula test. It also coincided with a week I was on travel so I was exclusively pumping anyway. I feel like my supply tanked more when I had less to eat. Formula is stinky and after about a week he started refusing the formula but it helped before that. He ate 8 or more ounces for each feeding the first week. It was almost like he was finally getting food. I was already pumping a few times because I worked. If I just did the test, I would pump almost every 2 hours. The nice thing is that it is only for a short time.
Thanks for the feedback! It gives me a lot to think about.
hi maryea! take care of you and your family!! juggling your little ones’ needs, your hubby, and your needs – I totally get it!! i hope you feel better soon!! in health, lisa
You won’t lose me! Get well rested, take care of yourself and your family & we’ll see you back soon!!
I’ve taken a break from blogging many a times. Although sometimes I wish I kept at it- I listened to my needs and went with it.
You will not lose me as a reader, Maryea 🙂 I understand.
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re unwell! And yeah, I can totally understand that all your daily things must appear much more than a burden under these conditions that they usually would. Take a break and get well, and please let me know when you’re back to your blog! All the best to you, Maryea!
I pray this post finds you healthier (and sweet baby Luke, too) and more rested! As you can see by these 80+ replies, we all love you and your blog! You have made such a HUGE impact on the way my family eats. You are a great witness to all your readers of how a mother sacrifices for the good of her family, and keeps prayer on the top of her to-do list each day. Thank you! Well, I’m off to try your healthy birthday cake for my son’s upcoming 1st birthday! Take care 🙂
Vicki, Thank you for your kind words and support. They really mean the world to me. I hope you enjoy that cake!
You know I can relate! I’m just now getting the chance to comment in fact, even though I read this in my reader on my phone a couple days ago. 😉
Definitely important to keep things in perspective and take care of yourself. It’s so easy to push and push and expect more and more from ourselves. Hugs!
Thanks, Tina. Just taking a little pressure off of myself has made a huge difference.
I think you realize this has been coming for awhile…you’ve been at a breaking point a couple of times and you had to cut something out or you would self-destruct! So a break is completely understandable and well-deserved…take all the time you need. We will still be here and in the meantime I’ll be combing your recipes for many that I haven’t gotten to try yet! All the best.
Thank you, Laura. You’re absolutely right that this has been coming for a while now. I hope you find some new recipes you like while I’m taking this little break! 🙂
You’ll never lose me! Take time for yourself. We all understand. The funny thing is, when you said you were stepping back from the blog for awhile, I automatically assumed that meant months, but you said perhaps 1 week, 3 weeks, maybe longer. 🙂 Take as long as you need. You’re right, something’s gotta give and the blog is the logical choice.
We will be right here with eager eyes and ears once you return. 🙂
I think 1 week was wishful thinking! ha ha! Hopefully I’ll be ready to get back to full time in a few more weeks, though.
I have to say, I often wondered how you do it all! The family, yourself, the blog . . . you have been doing an amazing job!
Take all the time you need and I promise I will keep reading when you come back!
We will miss you but of course we will still follow you faithfully when you return to “regular blogging!” I am not a mother so I don’t have any advice and I can only imagine what you are going through. You are so strong and an inspiration to me (when I do become a mother)!
I also subscribe to your feed via email so I will be waiting patiently for your next entry 🙂 A lot of your followers seem to be bloggers too so I hope they can fill in with guest posts! Good luck to you and we will talk to you soon 🙂
Thank you, Suzanne. 🙂
Take your time! Happy healthy mama needs to keep herself happy AND healthy! See you soon!