Last night Tim and I were going out for dinner so Meghan needed something made just for her. I mentioned that I was going to make her a green grilled cheese, and Tim looked at me like I was crazy.
“The babysitter’s going to be here in 30 minutes,” he said. “Just make her a regular grilled cheese.”
He didn’t want me to make her the green grilled cheese because last time she wouldn’t even try it. Call it mother’s intuition; I knew if I involved Meghan in the process a little more, actually showed her the spinach that was going into it, she would at least give it at try.
She helped me gather the ingredients.
She helped me put the ingredients in the food processor and start it up. (And maybe eat a little cheese during the process…)
I tried to make the experience fun for her. Whatever I did, it worked. She happily ate her entire green grilled cheese. Yes, this is after she wouldn’t even take one bite a few days ago. Here’s a video showing her eating the sandwich:
The moral of this story is don’t take rejected foods off the list right away. Toddlers are funny little people and you never know how their mood is going to dictate their food preferences. So if your toddler is giving you a hard time with eating healthy foods, don’t give up. Just keep on offering the foods you want him to eat. It might take a creative presentation or involving them in the process, but chances are he will eat the healthy foods if you are persistent enough.
Question: What foods have you offered your toddler or older kids that they initially rejected, but eventually liked?
My twin toddlers are so different.. my son will eat anything!! Spinach, brussels sprouts, ANYTHING!! He’ll try anything a a few times. He’s such a good boy. My daughter? NOTHING. If its green, she won’t touch it!! So picky picky.
The bit about the 20 times to make sure they like it or not … how do you even get them to try it? Its so frustrating.
However, your little Meghan is adorable and so so sweet. I love her little voice. Good job, Mama!! <3
I just keep offering. Some nights Meghan won’t touch certain things I offer her, and then a few nights later she will. I have found, though, if she doesn’t want to try something, it’s very hard to get her to! She can be stubborn. I don’t force the issue too much as I really want to keep mealtime peaceful and not have negative associations with any foods. I know if I keep offering healthy foods, eventually she’ll eat them. Good luck with your picky girl! I know how frustrating it can be. That is so interesting, by the way, that twins can be so different. It just goes to show that parents can only do so much to influence their kids’ eating habits.
Maryea, Just wanted to report back and let you know that both of my kids finished their sandwiches when I made these. They loved them! Thanks for the recipe….it may become a new staple at our house.
Thanks for reporting back. It’s funny, after Meghan completely rejected it the first time, she’s had it several times. Pretty much every time I make her a grilled cheese it’s a green one now! 🙂
I made this last night to rave reviews from my kids (11 and 6). They are not spinach lovers, but they wanted another green sandwich in their lunchbox today. I loved it too!
So glad to hear it!
I’ve already got this recipe slated for a St. Patricks Day green-food theme. 🙂
Perfect! 🙂
ahh I love it such a great idea getting her involved in the process. Your daughter is adorable by the way!
Aw-thank you!
I’m so happy with these results! I never assume a kid (at any age really) will dislike a food entirely because of one experience. So glad she loved the helping process and it worked! I still haven’t convinced my 8 year old that sweet potatoes are heaven yet. She cringes at the mere sound of the word.
Awwww, what a cutie!! A green grilled cheese is such a great idea! I’m going to pass this along to my sister-in-law– she REALLY struggles with getting her son to eat anything other than string cheese and grapes, lol.
Thanks for passing my blog along to your sister-in-law. String cheese and grapes? Seems like that would get boring! 🙂 Kids are too funny.
Hi Maryea! I just happened upon your blog a couple of weeks ago. I actually made the green grilled cheese sandwich tonight. My husband, 12-month-old son, and I all loved it! So yummy! And yes, totally worth the calories. My boy hasn’t yet tested us with food, but I’m sure those days are coming. I look forward to trying other recipes – thank you!
Oh, I loved those days when Meghan would eat just about anything I put in front of her. 🙂 Maybe you will be a lucky one and your son won’t develop the toddler pickiness! I’m really glad your family enjoyed the sandwiches.
yay!!! you did it!!!!!!!!
you are such and inspiration and this is GREAT ADVICE!
Doctors say it takes almost 20 tries with new food for little ones to know if they even like it or not! I’m so glad it worked for you! <3 and only 2 tries? baller!
20 times?!! I’m not sure I have the patience for that! I’m so glad she ate this on the 2nd try. 🙂
I just found your blog 🙂 I have an almost 3 year old and often “sneak” the greens into his diet. I make him lots of green smoothies and he LOVES them. He never used to touch veggies and now, occasionally, he will ask for a salad or cukes and hummus. So you’re completely right – you just have to keep trying and eventually they WILL give it a go 🙂 And involving them always gives you a better shot at success!
Green smoothies can be a lifesaver! I know that no matter what else Meghan is eating, she’ll always drink her green smoothie. 🙂
What is in the green smoothie? Because my 3 year old will not touch them.
Here’s a green smoothie recipe my kids love!
ohmygoodnessgracious! She is soooooo adorable! I showed the video to my sister because it was just too darn cute 😀
And I thoroughly believe that when the kids help make the food, they are more likely to eat it.