It’s hard to believe that two months ago I was enjoying a leisurely Sunday afternoon, totally unaware that in a few hours I’d be on my way to the hospital, completely dilated, not knowing how close I was to giving birth.
We’ve come a long way since then.
How I’m Doing
The last month has been a transition period into feeling more and more like my normal self. I started exercising again, which has been an incredible blessing and helps me feel so much better. When I’m tired, stressed, or overwhelmed by trying to balance everything in my life, exercising serves as a great release.
My body is slowly getting back into pre-pregnancy shape, but the scale is stuck. I weigh the same as I did at my one-month postpartum update, which is about 10 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost a lot of weight initially, but those last 10 pounds are sticking around.
This happened with Meghan, as well, so I guess I should have expected it. As much as I’d love to have my old body back, I know that it’s only been two months and progress is going to take time. I’m trying to be patient and focus on being healthy through good nutrition and exercise. I’m so grateful that I’m able to breastfeed Luke, which is the most important thing my body can do right now!
The biggest adjustment I’ve needed to make is learning to manage my time well. I simply don’t having as much time to myself. (Luke is starting to cry right now, so I’ll most likely not get to finish this when I planned. There’s a perfectly-timed example for you!) In order to get all the things done in a day I want to, I literally have to squeeze something into every waking moment. I’ve learned to wash the bathroom sink while I’m brushing my teeth–things like that.
I didn’t realize how easy I had it when it was just my 3 year old who went to preschool three mornings a week and and took 2 1/2 hour naps! I’m not complaining; just trying to explain the adjustment to having two kids and much less time to focus on things other than taking care of my family, cleaning the house, making meals, and other day-to-day tasks.
The other area that’s been a tough adjustment is how much a newborn ties you to the house. I try to respect Luke’s sleep needs as much as I can, which means I can’t be out and about as much as I could with Meghan. It’s hard, but I know letting Luke stay home and nap most of the time and get to bed early is best for him, so that’s what I do. I find myself really looking forward to him getting older and able to stay awake longer so we can get out more.
I’m really lucky that breastfeeding has been even easier the second time around. Luke generally nurses every 3 hours during the day and does very well. I haven’t had any issues with his latch, even though he is tongue-tied. My supply is good. I’m waiting for it to even out–I still get engorged and leaky in between feedings, which is not fun!
The only issue I’ve had is clogged milk ducts. I’ve had three so far and they can be quite painful. When I get one I’m diligent about not letting it progress into mastitis (a breast infection). To avoid that when I noticed I have one I end up spending the day resting, drinking a lot of water, avoiding bras and nursing pads as much as possible, and starting with the clogged side for multiple feedings. So far, that’s worked and they have gone away on their own.
Life with Luke
Enough about me, you’re probably much more interested in what’s going on with this handsome guy!
Luke is doing so well. Last time I checked in he was having some rough nights, fussing and crying a lot after his feeds. Right after I wrote that post, he started settling better at night.
His bedtime is generally between 7 and 7:30, and then he gets a bottle of expressed breast milk from Daddy before we go to bed around 10 or 10:30. The last week he’s been getting up once to eat, anytime between 2:00-4:30. He goes right back to sleep and then we start our day around 6:30 am. I really like being able to have him fed and back down for his first nap before Meghan gets up at 8am.
He is such a content, easy-going baby. When he’s awake, he spends time in his bouncy chair or swing, or hanging out on the Boppy pillow or on his play mat. He usually has a very serious look on his face. He really seems to be taking in the world around him.
He is starting to smile more and more, but he has a very serious, contemplative way about him.
Luke is a big boy, but he would probably weigh more if he didn’t spit up 1/4 of his meals. The poor thing spits up a lot. It doesn’t seem to bother him, though. We are still giving him gas drops after every feeding and it has really helped his gas a lot.
I still had questions about his stools, though, as they just didn’t seem normal. So I did what any mother would do, I brought a dirty diaper to his doctor’s visit. That’s normal, right?!
She took one look at it and said it needed to be tested. It was tested and there was blood in it, which is a sure sign of a dairy allergy or sensitivity. I felt terrible to learn this as I started eating dairy again, thinking he was okay since his fussiness at night had passed. So, once again, I am off of dairy.
Here are some fun facts about my baby boy at 2 months old:
Weight: 13 pounds, 9 ounces (85th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (<99th percentile!)
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Number of outfits he goes through in a day: 4-5
Number of diapers he goes through in a day: too many
Number of naps in a day: 4
Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! I hope you are celebrating with good food today.
If going off dairy doesn’t do it, cut soy out of your duet. It did wonders for my little boy.
Thanks, April. I’ve been reading that a high percentage of dairy-sensitive babies are also soy sensitive. If I don’t see an improvement in another week or so, I think I will cut out the soy, too.
He’s gonna be so tall, just like his dad!
Oh Luke is just too too cute! My little boy spit up a TON after EVERY feed…. apparently boys are worse than girls with this, and he grew out of it around 8 months, he hasn’t done it since.
Wow, it must be such a juggling game with 2 little ones…. I think I’m content with one for now 🙂
I reckon the first 3 months are the hardest…. you’re almost through 🙂
Yes, definitely enjoy and treasure your time with just one little! I’m so glad we waited until Meghan was 3 to have another. If she was much younger I don’t think I’d be able to enjoy her OR Luke as much.
I can’t help myself… He’s sooo cute!! 😀
I had so many more clogged ducts with my second. I still don’t really know why, but I was always careful to get rid of it as fast as possible and get plenty of rest and it never progressed into anything else. I wonder if Luke’s tongue tie has anything to do with it? I really have no idea if it even could be connected, it’s just a thought. I’m so glad he latches well despite it!
Hmmm…I don’t know. He does latch well, but milk tends to dribble out down his chin. I’m not sure if the two are connected, but maybe.
You are doing so great! I hope your daughter is doing ok with everything too? Sorry you had to go off dairy… hope that helps him! I LOVE the Mommy’s #1 sweatshirt, and the pics of him! He does look so serious! I hope you continue to adjust to your growing family! Enjoy it!
Thank you, Jane! I should have mentioned Meghan in this post, but I ran out of time. 🙂 She’s doing well. She adores Luke and constantly says, “Awww, he’s so cute!” We are dealing with new behavior issues but I’m starting to think they are more 3 year old issues than adjusting to a new sibling issues.
Luke is so handsome!
I had a rough time with plugged ducts with my second too. They lasted our entire nursing relationship (18 months), but thankfully never turned into mastitis. Wishing you some relief. As for cabbage leaves, I was told to tread lightly with those, as they can literally dry you up. Great when weaning, but not when needing to make milk. I’ve heard putting them just on the plugged duct can work.
You are doing FANTASTIC! Two is absolutely an adjustment and it changes by the day for the first few months.
Kudos to you for following your instincts about the dirty diapers. Although, who knew motherhood came with instincts about poop? File that away with things they never tell you. 🙂
Peppermint oil for clogged milk ducts is amazing. I had a big problem with this too — mostly after my man was a little older (he too had a tongue tie and spit up a lot). You might do some research to make sure you can use the peppermint oil on your breasts with such a little man, but it’s amazing! That and heat packs. I’ve also heard you can try cabbage leaves, but I never did. Good luck!
Thanks, Mari Jo. I’ll look into the peppermint oil next time another one gets clogged!
wow! he is SUCH a handsome boy!!
He is just adorable! I totally understand the dairy sensitivity. My little boy had it as well. Our first sign was mucus in his diaper and then some blood :(. I called the advice nurse right away when I saw the blood and she told me to cut out dairy. I immediately did and he greatly improved. You also need to be careful with soy products. It is rough, but when you get into the habit of not eating it, it becomes much easier. The good news is by the time he was able to start eating dairy himself, like cheese and yogurt, he was 100% better. I bet it will help with the spitting up too. I am curious to see if the one I am currently baking will have the same issue.
You seem to be adjusting to all of the changes in family and schedule very well 🙂 Such a blessing you’ve got on your hands- he is *so* cute! Not that I would expect anything different looking at you and Tim’s track record with cute children. What a bummer about dairy- but at least now you have an answer!
I’m also so glad to hear that you are finding a great release in exercising postpartum 🙂 Do what’s good for mommy- it’s good for the family! 🙂
Yep, from 1 to 2 was the hardest transition for me. Way to go with exercising (it’s inspirational) and that he is on a (loose) “schedule” already. It’s funny how you look back and realize how easy 1 was compared to having another baby around. I’m growing number 4 so I think our world is gonna be rocked in June too. 🙂 I’m impressed that you are back in the kitchen and cooking again already! Hang in there, it just keeps getting more normal. Remember it’s okay to let some things go (like the bathroom sink or frankly, brushing your teeth). What a blessing to have children!
Poor Luke and his allergy! Bringing the diaper to the doctor part, totally made me laugh, but it’s totally understandable. He’s really cute!
Love those last 2 pics of Luke, a lounger and a big old smile! Sorry you have to go off dairy again, but I bet it’ll make his little tummy feel better.
Glad you’re getting more excerise in, if just for the mental relief too :). Hope you can find more me time!