Can you tell I’m into the Christmas spirit already? I love Christmas and this year I’m forced to be uber-organized, so I have everything ready and it’s December 1st. Trust me, I’ve never at this point had my cards mailed, decorations up, shopping (mostly) done, and a almost all of my presents wrapped.
But did you see the dates up there? I’m 37 weeks pregnant! This little guy could be here at any time, and I didn’t want to be caught with any tasks left to do when he decides to make his big appearance.
How I’m Feeling
In a word, tired. The picture isn’t close enough to really show my eyes, but if you could see them, you’d see it. Last night was the third night in a row where I have barely slept. At least that’s how it felt.
I easily fall asleep each night and sleep well for about 3-4 hours. After that, it’s patchy and I feel like I sleep in 20 minute increments, if at all. I just can’t get comfortable, and then my mind starts thinking about all the things I have to do, or whatever else is on my mind, and sleep eludes me.
Isn’t it a cruel joke that many pregnant women have trouble sleeping in their last weeks of pregnancy, right before they are handed a newborn who will continue to steal their sleep for an undetermined amount of time? Cruel. Now is when I should be getting well-rested and geared up for life with a newborn.
Okay, my pity party is over. Other than the sleep thing, I’m really feeling well. I’m beyond excited about meeting my son, yet am trying to savor every moment of these last few weeks of pregnancy and the time with Tim and Meghan. I am incredibly blessed.
What’s Going on with my Body
My body is doing its thing to get ready to give birth. I can feel it. On and off for the last week (or two?), I’ve had contractions here and there. Nothing close together or in a predictable pattern, but contractions nonetheless.
At my doctor’s appointment today, he checked my cervix and I found out I was dilated 2-3 centimeters. I know that being dilated doesn’t predict when labor will start. I know that. But I was still curious to know so I allowed him to go ahead and check. I can’t remember exactly, but I was dilated 2 centimeters with Meghan for one or two weeks before I went into labor.
The good news is about being dilated a little bit already is that when labor does start, I have a bit of a head start. Many women have to labor hard to get to 3 centimeters dilated, so I’m glad my body is getting started on that for me.
The other thing happening with my body is it’s still gaining weight. I’ve gained another 3 pounds in the last two weeks, so I’m up to 30 pounds total gained. I’m not worried about this, but just surprised that I’m gainly so quickly now. With Meghan, I gained more weight early on and by the end I wasn’t gaining as much. This pregnancy has been different in many ways, so I guess I shouldn’t expect to gain weight the same way, either.
Final Preparations
Despite being organized, there are still things to be done. The nursery is not completely ready, although I don’t think the baby will care if he shows up and has bare walls. He’ll deal, right?
I didn’t want to go with a specific theme for the nursery, so that left me kind of stuck as to what kind of decor I wanted. We used Meghan’s old crib and dresser that is a dark cherry wood. I would see pieces that I liked, but wasn’t sure how to put them all together. I started with a color scheme: red, brown, light+dark blue. I got red curtains with white stars, white sheets with brown stars, and a crib skirt that has stripes that are red, brown, light blue, and dark blue. Then I was stuck for a while.
This week I ordered a couple of things to add to what you see above. This book bin will hang on the wall and hold books (duh):
I also ordered this wall art from Land of Nod:
I love it because of the pop of red and am a big fan of maps and globes as decor. I also think it will grow well with the baby and possibly could even be used in a future play room.
We also need to move the glider from Meghan’s room into the nursery and get a lamp. I have a few more ideas for what to do with the rest of the empty wall space, but want to wait and see how things look once the book bin and USA map are up. I hope Baby Bean gives me enough time to get it done, or it might not happen until March.
Thank you for continuing to read if you are still with me! This was a long one. As much as I want to meet this baby, I hope I will be back for a 38 week update next Thursday.
I’m dealing with the same sleep thing. I didn’t have this with my son. I slept like a bear would in the winter. Total hibernation. This baby girl inside has me up and ready to fold clothes…….?? It is literally 4:20AM….yes!! AM!!! I have no idea what is going on right now but I just wanted to know and be comfortable knowing that your doctor didn’t seem too concerned with the amount of sleep lost?
Thank you and congrats to you and your baby boy!!!!
Hi Erin! No, my doctor wasn’t concerned about the sleep loss. I guess it just comes with the territory. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
Maryea,while your Christmas tree is really pretty,I have to say that it can’t even begin to compare with the BEAUTY and APPEAL of your big round 37 weeks pregnant belly!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! You look great!!! I love the room and your tree!!
We have the same due date. 🙂 I feel excited about it. Hope you can update us with your baby and i will do the same. Congrats to you and stay healthy.
How exciting — you are so close! I love that map of the US! I hope you are able to get some rest this week!
time is flying!!
I hope you will get some nights of good sleep before the baby arrives!
I can’t believe how close you are getting!!! 🙂
I always hated the no sleep thing at the end of pregnancy. It is an extremely cruel joke. Especially with a toddler. When you actually do get tired and feel you could fall asleep you have a tiny tot keeping you awake.
have a great weekend!
I know! Thank goodness Meghan has an early bedtime because I am ready to fall asleep shortly after I put her down!
You are just the cutest pregnant lady in the world. Seriously. I hope he’ll stay put and be a Christmas baby! Or maybe you’re hoping he’ll just get the heck out!! 🙂
Thanks, Chelsey! I’m actually hoping he’ll show up before Christmas so I can be home and see Meghan on Christmas morning. Plus by Christmas I’ll be 3 days overdue and I’m sure more than ready to not be pregnant! 🙂
oh so close! maybe a christmas baby?? I’m guessing it will be 2 weeks. You are too cute with that belly. Hope you are getting some naps in too.
2 weeks would be perfect! I hope you are right. 🙂
You look great! Hang in there and way to go getting so many things done for Christmas. With my last one I had trouble sleeping at the end and I found that if I got up and laid on the couch it helped. I could lay on my side, lean my back against the back and because of the way the cushions were I could sort of prop my belly between them and take some pressure off… when I describe it, it sounds kinda crazy, but it helped. Just an idea. Good luck! (Also I had some acupuncture and slept like a baby that night, so there’s always that…)
No, that makes perfect sense. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it! The back of the couch might be just the support my back needs. I’m going to try this tonight! Thanks. 🙂
ahhh! You’re almost there!
I have that map picture in my spare room.
It is amazing how the body works. It is just getting ready for labor….. It is really wrapping up! That nursery will be all sorts of cute when there is a baby inside- and a sister peering over the sides! 🙂 AW!!
I love the nursery items so far, especially the wall art of the US. So cute! There is no way you have gained 30 pounds, unless your baby boy comes out weighing like 29 lbs., which, yeesh. You look amazing and the lack of sleep does not show at all. Hope you are able to rest during the day as much as possible.
Oh how exciting! Your lil boy could be here any day :). And that’s VERY cool that you’re body’s already getting prepped for delivery. Hope he gives you at least a little more time to get everything ready.
Me, too! I need at least one more week. 🙂
Now I’m really starting to get excited for you!! You’re sooo close. I feel like I should be wishing you the best now that labor could happen at any time! I know I’ll be thinking of you often for the next few weeks 🙂 It’s so exciting to hear things are already progressing as your body prepares for the big day. I have to say, you look fantastic! I hope you can get as much rest(or at least relaxing time to yourself) as you can before baby gets here.
Thanks so much, Heidi. I can’t believe the end is actually here! 🙂