Wow! I have to start this post by saying THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to respond to the reader survey. Your answers and insights help me more than you know.
It’s always a scary thing to put yourself out there, be vulnerable, and give people a platform to criticize. Turns out, you guys are really nice. Almost all of the feedback was helpful and any criticism was constructive and kindly stated. Of all the comments, I felt like only one was totally off base and mean- spirited, and considering the amount of people that view my site each month, that’s pretty incredible. How lucky am I to have such great readers?! Thank you for being you.
I’d like to share the results with you because I think it’s much more fun to take a survey when you get to see the results. Agree? Keep scrolling to the bottom when you’re done checking out the results for a few comments on what you told me.
How would you describe yourself?
What is your age range?
How long have you been reading Happy Healthy Mama?
How often do you visit Happy Healthy Mama?
What type of posts are your favorite on Happy Healthy Mama?
What kind of recipes would you like to see the most on HHM in the coming year?
What is your biggest struggle with living a healthy lifestyle?
What do you like most about HHM?
What do you like least about HHM?
Anything else you’d like to tell me? I’m listening. 🙂
I couldn’t include all the comments here, but I tried to show you a good variety of the responses I received. First of all, I heard you loud and clear. You all want quick and easy dinner (and healthy) recipes! Trust me, I’m in the same boat you are. It will definitely be a strong focus in that area in the next year.
Hearing what you liked least was very helpful. Many of the critiques involved how well (or not well I should say) my site works for you. As soon as I started reading the responses, I knew I needed to work on things once and for all. Much of it is well beyond my technical expertise, so I hired a tech guy to help me with all the tasks that are over my head. You should already notice a difference in site speed/crashing since he helped me switch over to a new host. Other issues are being addressed. My goal is to make Happy Healthy Mama the best user experience and not a place you get frustrated. 🙂
As for the ads, I wish I could get rid of them all together. I knew they would come up in the survey. The reality is, ads are the main way that I make money and without them I’d pretty much be working for free. I don’t have a product I sell, I don’t do sponsored posts every single week, and affiliate sales are only a small portion of the revenue for my site. I wish there was a way to get rid of them, but as of now, I don’t see it. Please understand that if I knew of a better way to monetize this site, I would do it without ads.
Thank you again for all the feedback. I will continue to work to make Happy Healthy Mama a great healthy lifestyle resource for you!
Thanks for sharing the feedback of your survey. Yes–you are right, it was fun for me as a reader to see some of the responses too.
Have a wonderful day!!
I’m glad to hear that!
Fun to see the results! Glad we could help!
Thanks Heather!
This is great feedback. Awesome job, Maryea!
I wanted to ask you what plugin did you use to create the survey you published a few weeks ago? I would love to survey my readers in order to serve them better.
I just used google documents. It’s really easy to embed it into your post!
Thank you, Maryea.