Even though the calendar says there’s another month of summer, my second grader Meghan starts school this week, and it feels like summer is ending. Just like the seasons of the year, there are blogging seasons. Like the changes in weather, our motivation, time, and love of blogging ebbs and flows naturally, even if our readers don’t always see what’s going on behind the scenes.
This year started on a high note with my January traffic higher than it had ever been and my motivation soaring. I set goals, made plans, and was ready to conquer the blogging world. It was the season of focused determination. Those seasons can be intense.
As the school year ended I was still riding the high. I had a list of tasks I wanted to accomplish and was ready to keep checking off those t0-dos. I knew summertime wasn’t easy for a blogger who is also a mom of school-aged kids who are now with you all day and demanding your attention. I considered hiring a nanny so I could keep a work schedule. I didn’t want to stop the train I was on.
Then, a realization settled in my mind and I shifted gears entirely. These two little people aren’t going to be little forever. This time is fleeting. Instead of buckling down and working harder on my blog, I took a step back. I remembered the promise I made to my husband to never put this blog ahead of our family.
I remembered how quickly my baby girl turned into a growing young lady and how it seemed like just yesterday Luke was learning to crawl. You blink and it’s gone.
It wasn’t easy, but I enjoyed spending less time on this blog this summer. Yes, at times it was stressful because even if you aren’t doing the work, it’s still there, calling you.
I knew I was getting behind and not moving forward. But on the flip side, I spent time with my kids that I’ll never get back. I can’t regret that.
I still worked, but much less than I did the first half of the year. I forced myself to be in a different blogging season, and I’m glad I did, even if I was reluctant at first.
Those ideas in my head? They’ll still be there when these two are back in school and I have an empty house and hours to fill. That blogging to-do list? It’ll get done. My pace, my terms, but it will get done.
We didn’t do any big family vacations together this summer. But we still made memories at home, just being together. More memories than ever could have happened if I’d decided to hire a nanny and work away the days.
I’m forever grateful for my little family and their understanding and support of this crazy passion of mine that is blogging. They get it when I have to make just one more batch of muffins to get the recipe just right. They know that I’m glued to my computer sometimes because I’m doing something I love.
I don’t know that I would have been able to stick with this blogging life as long as I have (6 years!) if I didn’t embrace the different seasons of blogging. Soon, this season of stepping back and doing less is going to end and I’ll be able to focus again with a renewed energy and passion. Thank YOU, readers, for always being there through my blogging seasons. Much love.
Nice, sweet post. 🙂
Thanks, Kathy! 🙂