Let’s start today’s post with a pop quiz. I like to keep my readers on their toes. If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’ve been posting with less frequency than usual. I’m sure you’ve been wondering why and I don’t want to leave you in the dark any longer. Let’s see if you can guess the reason.
Maryea hasn’t been a consistent blogger in recent months because:
a.) She is a lazy person and doesn’t feel like posting frequently.
b.) She’s lost interest in blogging and may quit soon.
c.) She’s pregnant and exhausted.
d.) She’s taken a part-time job at a local farm.
If you guessed C, you are correct. I’m pregnant!
That’s the good news. The bad news is that this little peanut has sucked the energy right out of me, leaving me with just enough to take care of my family. What’s left goes to the blog, but as you can tell, it hasn’t been as much as I would like.
I’m hoping that I’ll turn a corner soon and my energy levels will return. I’ll be 13 weeks on Thursday, so it could happen anytime. With Meghan, I was sick up until 17 weeks. This pregnancy has been different all around, so maybe I’ll get lucky and feel better sooner.
The Future of the Blog
I have no plans to quit blogging, but I do think Happy Healthy Mama may change a bit. While healthy recipes will always be my focus, I don’t see it being realistic for me to post 5 or more new recipes a week during this time in my life. Even if I get some energy back during my second and third trimesters, once the baby arrives it will be even more difficult to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. So in addition to healthy, whole foods recipes, you can expect to see:
- Weekly pregnancy updates. I’ll keep you updated on my progress and touch on health and/or nutrition related pregnancy issues.
- Health or nutrition topics that interest me and I think you’ll be interested in, too.
- General parenting topics.
- Whatever topics you’d like to see (so make sure you tell me in the comment section).
I will go into more details about the pregnancy when I do my first weekly pregnancy update–look for it later this week! In the meantime, I’d like to genuinely thank my readers for sticking with me through this time without even knowing why I was so inconsistent with my postings. Although my stats show that the blog hasn’t grown as much in the past two months as it had been previously, my readership has stayed steady, and that means so much to me. Without you, this blog would be nothing but me chatting at cyberspace air, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
See…I wondered how I had missed this announcement and now I see that you posted the big news while I was on vacay! No wonder!!!
Congtatulations to the wonderful news! I’m so excited and happy for you and your family! I love your idea of giving us weekly up-dates and nutritional info on what and how to eat while during a pregnancy.
I can’t believe I somehow missed this post before now! Hope you get back to feeling ‘normal’ soon — just a wonderfully pregnant normal!
Thank you, Michelle!
Congratulations! I’d love to hear any thoughts, ideas, or personal accounts of eating and staying healthy during pregnancy related to your health, the baby’s health, weight gain, exercise, etc.
Have you told Meghan?
Thank you! We have told Meghan, but I don’t think she really gets it. I think once I start getting a bigger belly the idea will be more concrete.